Bear Paw Meanderings

What to cook and eat that tastes good, does not have a lot of calories and is easy to prepare? That is what I was looking for last week to begin 2016. Needless to say I did not find much of anything that had few calories and was good.

A friend gave me some yogurt saying I should be eating that daily. It was good yogurt but had such a tiny bit of flavoring in the bottom of the can that I had to put my glasses on to find it to stir it in. Not even the color of the white yogurt changed when all stirred.

Enough of that, I thought. Why not get a piece of beef steak, some good button mushrooms or even a large can of mushrooms and cook some of that steak several times a week?

I got New York steaks, about an inch and a half thick and pulverized them with salt and a colored pepper mixture. How you get the pepper mixture is to buy it for your grinder, take some out and put it in a sandwich bag and hit it with the rolling pin until it is mashed. Smother the steak with the pepper and salt, cook in butter until seared on both sides. Don’t overcook. Add mushrooms to the pan and cook them along with the steak. Let the steak sit for a few minutes before cutting into it.

I have found over the years I love the canned mushrooms stems and pieces as well as the fresh so that is what I have.

Now, eat your steak and mushrooms and consider yourself well fed and properly fed as well. Maybe have a tad of salad to go with but don’t do like me and get the French fries out to go with the steak.

Steak and mushrooms alone is plenty good for a cold January night!