City Council Agenda for Jan. 13 Meeting


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

7:00 P.M. City Hall

1. Pledge

2. Approval of meeting minutes

3. Public Comments

4. Sheriff Report

5. Wastewater Project

a. WW Improvement Phases 2 & 3

b. Bear Paw Development

c. New water project

d, Brownfield project

6. New Business

a. Oath of Office – Ted Pursley and Andrew Page

b. Code Enforcement Officer

c. Close out of Fund 2810 – Police Reserve Training

d. NCMRWA Resolution

7. Old Business

a. Street Improvements

b. Charge for Inactive/vacant properties connected to water/sewer system

c. Sheriff Contract

d. Pool

e. Old Hotel

f. Animal Ordinance

8. Reports:

a. Committee reports

b. Mayor

c. Public Works

d. Clerk (shut off list)

19. Correspondence

10. Consideration of Approval of Claims

11. Approval of Journal Vouchers (2016-09)

12. Any business to be brought before the council