BSHS Science Olympiad Places High another Year

Ms. Pokorny has been coaching Science Olympiad for twenty-two years and has loved every minute of it. She started coaching when she was just a young teacher. She did not do Science Olympiad as a student when she lived in Miles City because it was not offered in high school, but Melanie Schwarzbach, our other science teacher, did.

While interviewing Cindy Pokorny she told me about the popularity between events and she said that all events are popular because they all have students sign up to be competitors. The most favorite event has to be CrimeBusters. One of the hardest events in Science Olympiad in past years has been Mission Possible. It has been so hard, in fact, that some of the students have given it the nickname Mission Impossible. This year though, it placed fourth out of forty-eight schools.

The coaches this year were Cindy Pokorny and Melanie Schwarzbach. Colby Cline also helped in two events but did not attend Bozeman with the Science Olympiad team. Big Sandy Junior High got third place and a trophy out of forty-eight schools overall, because of so many high placing events. The high school placed nine out of forty-two schools. They actually had very good placing compared to most schools because it is quite an accomplishment to even be in the top ten.