Food Bank offers fresh food

As school gets closer and closer and people start staying home more toward the end of summer, it is time to remember that the needs of the Big Sandy Food Bank are always there.

The Food Bank continues to feed a large number of people weekly and monthly too. They are also working on getting a Back Pack Program started to help hungry children get through the weekends.

There has been some very good news regarding the Big Sandy Food Bank according to Erik Sietsema, who heads up the Food Bank in Big Sandy along with Terry Grant and Karli Phillips.

The Big Sandy Food Bank has hooked up with Set Free Ministries in Great Falls. Part of their mission is to collect almost out of date food from the shelves of local grocery stores. They in turn distribute it to area food banks. Each Saturday there is an allocation for the Big Sandy Food Bank that can be picked up in Fort Benton.

“Best of all,” added Erik, “The food is vegetables, meat, bread and sometimes baby food and even diapers and even fruit at times. This is a great way to weekly get items from the Big Sandy Food Bank that are not always available.

One of the things that bothers Erik is whether or not the Big Sandy Food Bank is reaching all those it should.

He said that if anyone needs assistance to call 399-3803.

It doesn’t matter if people are on the Food Bank list, they can get help when it is needed Erik continued.

And, like always, regular food donations are always needed at the Big Sandy Food Bank. Things like canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned chili, canned soup, frozen meat and always cereal. The Big Sandy Food Bank can never keep enough cereal on hand to satisfy the needs of people needing assistance.

Erik also said not to forget that the Big Sandy Food Bank has a food account at “The Grocery Store”. People can come in and donate money which will be turned into food for the Food Bank.

There are lots of people even in Big Sandy who need our help. Maybe this is a good time to help as much as you can.