Bear Paw Meanderings

There are several places in and around Montana to see, simply glorious fall foliage starting right about now. Most fall foliage is in its prime around the first part of October, although it has been running later for the last couple of years.

That does not count the dramatic tamarack or larch fall foliage when those evergreens have their needles turn gold then drop off until the following spring. That season can last all the way until Thanksgiving. Close to us, the best viewing for tamaracks is Marias Pass, the Swan Valley and the McDonald Valley.

For now most foliage is aspen related and foliage related to bushes. A word about those bushes. Talk about burning bushes. Many bushes turn bright red and orange this time of year, really complimenting the gold coin color of the aspens.

In finding good foliage to look at, look in the Bear Paw Mountains, the east side of Glacier National Park, especially in the Chief Mountain area, the Little Rockies and Cypress Hills Park in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Of course, soon now, a drive from Havre to Glasgow will bring on some wonderful colors as the cottonwood’s change color along the river banks in the Milk River Valley.

One thing I have found in leading fall foliage tours for many falls, it doesn’t matter if it is cloudy, raining or foggy. Some of the most brilliant foliage colors of all come out in rain and fog.

For a time I will be writing each week about a good place to observe fall foliage.

As for you gentle readers, just get into the old Hupmobile and mobile around the countryside camera in hand. Soon you will discover you don’t need to go to the Maine woods to see beautiful foliage. It is all around us here in Montana!