Thanks Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce, you knocked it out of the park this year!

Every year those trusty Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce people go out and about and make plans for the best Christmas Stroll ever! It is their largest and maybe only fund raiser of the year but they certainly do not do it for the purpose of making money. They do it because they love their home town and they want the Christmas Stroll to be the best ever and a time for fun for everyone.

This year they had a new item. Actually they had many new items but this one struck me. The three downtown bars competed for the best Christmas drink. Pep's won but we heard of many citizens who went bar to bar that Stroll afternoon and conducted their own taste tests.

You might have noticed that if you went to Breakfast with Santa at the Mint, the elves had all new costumes this year. That was because last year Tammy Houle donated all the money she made on the breakfast to the Chamber and they bought new costumes for the elves.

And, on and on, winter and summer that is the way of Big Sandy and the Chamber of Commerce. They try to make Big Sandy a bigger and better town to live in.

A special shout out to the two that seem to get most everything organized, Dave and Marlys. But a special shout out to the rest of the Chamber members who work very hard to pull this stroll event off.

Good for you all. You make our town so much better. When it comes to Christmas, you all really take the words right from Dickens; you do Christmas up right in your home town.

The rest of us look with awe and thank you for all that you do.