Mrs. Fasteson's 6th grade students share Christmas stories

One thing we at the "Mountaineer" have always marveled about is that if we ask about a story of most any kind from the Big Sandy School System we have it sooner rather than later,

And we get it in spades!

The school gives us lots of computer stories and staff gives us lot of great hunting stories but none measure up with Letters from Santa from the Elementary School and the Christmas stories that came from the sixth grade and Mrs. Fasteson.

All were wonderful and we are so honored to be able to print them to share with the whole community.

And, by the way, while on the subject, anyone who wandered into the "Mountaineer" during the Christmas Stroll saw all the wonderful art work from most all classes in the Big Sandy system. Well, if you didn't see it, you missed a great deal.

So, once again Big Sandy Schools, thanks for sharing with the community through the "Mountaineer"!

An elf's struggle

By Anonymous

Once upon a time not in a land far away (it's actually the north pole.) Well it might be far away from you, but to me it's not because well, I live here in the north pole. Plus I'm Santa's elf right now, I probably should be wrapping gifts for the little ones, taking the reindeer out, or cleaning the mess hall. But instead I want to tell you about the only kid that ever saw Santa. Well the only kid we know about so far, but that's not the point.

Well let me go get my seat warmer, because well I'm in the North Pole and it gets cold in the north pole and when us elfs sit for so long we get cold. So now that I got my seat warmer, I'm going to start after I get my Coco.

Well I sent one of the elves to go get my coco, but while they're doing that I'm going to get my thick,soft, fuzzy blanket and then find somewhere for me to tell you my story.

4 hours later . . . well I did find a place, but by the time I got done looking it was pitch black and all the elves were asleep. I didn't really want to wake them, but instead of telling you by the fountain while sitting in Santa's chair like (I was going to but that's off limits right now) but if you really want to hear it then we can go into the Reindeer stall, but I'm probably just going to fall asleep. Well who cares, let's go to rudolph's stall (at rudolph's stall) Well let's get started, "zzZZZ," "Max wake up you need to wrap gifts for my sleigh, or clean the mess hall, and take the reindeer out for a test drive." Well you heard. Santa I got so carried away I just forgot about the chores I had to do. So since I didn't tell you the story I'll just tell you who the little kid was. It was....drum roll please. Sarah Yang! Yup she was the only kid that ever saw Santa that we know of. Max do your chores please. You didn't do them yesterday. Well I bet I have to listen to Santa and do my chores I guess you can call this mess I had An elf's struggle.

A Christmas Tale

By Caydence Pleninger

Winter: a girl that you would think was perfect on the outside, with her long chestnut crunch color hair, her midnight blue eyes, and her silver diamond earrings. Winter was the type of girl who had a lot of friends, was 14, and always helped people as much as she could.

Winter was sitting in her house on Christmas Eve and she got a text message from her friend saying that they should all hangout outside. So Winter got on all of her snow stuff, including her white and silver snowflake boots, her white snow pants, her white and baby blue snowflake coat. She texted her mom and told her she would be back before 12:00 am.

So she left and met her friends at the Holiday Mart. One of her friends named Holly wanted to make this Christmas special for the people who don't get to have their family near; which Winter thought would be fun, because she always wants be nice to people.

So they bought stuff to make cookies and all of the friends split the bill, but it did not cost much because it was Christmas Eve, and most things were on sale. Then they went to Winter's friend Eira's house to bake all the cookies.Later, they finished baking and went to the people's homes, they gave everyone a plate with at least 2 cookies.

Winter said that they should go sledding. When they all agreed on Winters idea, Winter said she needed to get some warmer gloves. So she went home and got her gloves. She came back and her friends were not there.

Winter saw this boy from her school and asked him if he saw her friends. He said no, so Winter asked him if he wanted to hangout and look for them, so he did.

Winter was telling him about how she loved Christmas. The boy's name was Aspen Frost.

He said he did not really understand the meaning of Christmas. Just when he said that, Winter found a note near her shoe, it said:

"Dear Winter and Aspen,

You need to find us, it may just help you Aspen understand Christmas. We are in a place that seems to be as if a giant Christmas wonderland. You need to find us before it gets too cold, you have until 12:00am. Good Luck!

Sincerely, your friends."

Winter said that they needed to hurry, so they quickly went to the skyward road that takes you to the Elmwood Tree Mountain. They ran as fast as they could, so they could make it before 12:00. They had 6 hours.

Aspen and Winter arrived at the Holiday Tree shop on Elmwood Tree Mountain, but the gates were closed. But the toy elves, beside the tree with decorations on it, started to glitter and jingle. Then, before Aspen could say anything, one elf turned real and offered to help, if Winter would have all her friends help get him to the North Pole before Christmas morning. Winter, of course agreed, and said that she loved Christmas because her family gets together to celebrate

Jesus's birth and the gift giving and opening, even with Santa's presents too. Then that made the little elf disappear and open the gate. All of Winter's and Aspen's friends in the Holiday Tree store came out.

Winter and Aspen knew that was where they should be,because it's the most Christmas decorated place in town. Holly and Eira were so excited because they knew that somehow Aspen figured out the real meaning of Christmas. From then on, Aspen loved Christmas too. He always wanted to spread Christmas cheer. Winter and Aspen stayed friends forever.

*The End *Merry Christmas*

Kringle McJingle and the Reindeer Adventure

By Amy Gasvoda

Kringle McJingle laid asleep in his bed, where he thought no one could get to him. That was until he felt a big fat slobbery tongue slap onto his forehead,leaving a trail of slime in its path. " Go away," he said.

The reindeer nudged him with his peculiar nose. " What do you want Rudolph?" The reindeer stamped his foot on the ground. Kringle McJingle mumbled, " Just because you have your own song does NOT mean you can barge in here and wake me up."

When the reindeer continued pounding, Kringle turned to look. Beside Rudolph's foot, lay a letter addressed to Santa's Head Elf: Kringle McJingle, head elf.

Kringle Mcjingle did know one thing, whatever was in that letter was important because reindeer don't come out of the barn for just anything. " Rudolph back to the barn. Santa will be there soon."

An odd sound came from the reindeer's nose. He had fallen asleep and was snoring! " Lazy deer," Kringle mumbled.

" Whats GOING on in there?" called a squeaky voice. In the other room, Bob McJingles sat up in his crib and shook the bars like he was in a prison cell. " DAD COME GET ME OUT OF HERE! NOW. Please and thank you too!" he yelled from behind the bars.

" Not now, go back to bed," says Kringle, as he heard Bob groan and plop back into his bed with a sigh. "Rudolph up. Rudolph. RUDOLPH GET UP YOU LAZY FURBALL!" Rudolph jumped up and dashed to the door.

Then Kringle remembered the letter on the floor and opened it... it read,

Dear Head Elf,

I am stuck in a dangerous position. Nasty children are keeping me in a basement in Siberia. They have many others held captive. We need help ! Come find us at the big mountain. My life and all the children's happiness rely on you.


Santa Claus.

P.S Mark these names down for the naughty list, Caul Ringot; Pumpkin Spice ,Arnold Pont, and Elly Frasinco. Take good care of Mrs.Claus and the reindeer. I request that you bring along Mrs.Claus and 4 other elves if needed. I have a list of naughty and good children that you will have to deliver presents to, in 2 nights on the day of Christmas Eve if I am not back in time. Good luck to you and please be here in 2 to 4 days or less, for I am afraid that I will not be alive past that deadline. Thank you Kringle, and the bestest of luck. Now I must be going before I'm caught. The bird outside will deliver any mail back. Ask Rudolph who it is.

Kringle threw down the letter and ran to the Bob's room a toy was sitting in his crib with him. Kringle listened closer. A Ticking noise was coming from it , then he realized that. this toy was a BOMB. Kringle ran just in time to make it outside and away from the house. He watched it get blown to smithereens and turned away. Bob was gone.He spent years saving up for the wood to build that house and now he could not help but look away, afraid of what might be left in the wreckage.

Kringle ran to Santa's mansion and alerted Mrs.Claus in short breaths, " Santa---- In trouble--- deliver toys---- get elves---- Siberia 4 days." Mrs.Claus shrieked, " Oh No!" in surprise and ran out the door as fast as she could. Kringle looked down at his feet and realized he was barefoot. He grabbed some shoes from the nearest shelf looking for green ones and pointed tops, luckily he found a nice comfy pair that fit him nicely.

Kringle ran outside only to find an unconscious Mrs.Claus and a drowsy reindeer picking at the cookie she had run out with. " Rudolph not again!" he exclaimed. Rudolph looked up and gave him a look like ' Come on man, I just want some sweets'.' He dragged Mrs.Claus to the toy factory and placed her on the bed that was marked " Mrs. and Mr. Johnson." He then ran to Santa's office and found the naughty and nice list with a great deal more of naughty than good.

Over the intercom Kringle announced that he needed to have Oodles PumPum, Buddy Gingerbread, Elfy Smeckles,and Clyde Flake come to the office. " I REPEAT OODLES, BUDDY, ELFY, and CLYDE NEED TO COME TO THE OFFICE NOW! URGENT MATTER." Kringle heardsomeone yell, "Where is Santa?"" SANTA IS OK. WE WILL NEED TO HAVE 58 TEAMS OF ELVES TRAVEL TO VARIOUS STATES AND OTHER CONTINENTS, MEANWHILE I AND 4 OTHERS ARE GOING TO BRING OUR SANTA HOME" boomed the intercom.

Shouts of determination filled the workshop while the elves continued to construct 7 toys a minute. Kringle and the Elves loaded the unconscious Mrs.Claus into the slay and piled her with blankets. All 8 original reindeer were hooked up to this one sleigh, for they needed to travel far, and these reindeer were durable. They took off at an incredible speed, the reindeer were fed directions by Oodle and Buddy.

The sleigh was light for this was no mission to deliver presents to all the world, but far more important. Kringle Mcjingle had to save Santa and the others he had talked about. This was no mission for a teeny elf. That's why all the elves had on black combat boots, military shirts,and helmets with pointy ears sticking out the side. Santa's big red bag was still in the sleigh but it was loaded with weaponry.

10 Hours later. ...

"BOYS! Wake up this instant!" called Mrs. Claus. " I thought it was just the reindeer I would have to worry about falling asleep, but apparently I can't even trust the drivers." " Sorry Mrs.," the elves all replied in unison.

" Thats nothing to be sorry about, but what is in that bag?" Mrs.Claus peeked inside. " Hmmm it's really dark in here boys. Now what is this?" Mrs.Claus pulled out a luger pistol and recoiled in shock. " This is definitely not for kids. Now boys, what are all these guns for?" " Well Mrs. Claus perhaps you should look down and find out for yourself."

She looked down, " Butter my biscuits, I remember Nick telling me about this place. He said that him and the elves were going to be captured.

Kringle did you do lunch count today?" She said while still looking down. " I did Ma'am and were were short 143 elves. I thought it might have been vacation for them but was unsure. Sorry, but I really think that the sleigh needs a drive---"

The sleigh plunged toward the clear white snow and landed with a poof in a cloud. " Ohhh." Mrs.Claus called in surprise. " Now, now is everyone ok?" She asked. " I think so,"said Kringle and Oodles. Brushing themselves off, they each grabbed a gun, after Mrs.Claus surprised them all with a comment so un- Mrs.Claus like. The elves had to cover their mouth with a hand to keep from laughing.

" Now lets not get to excited but I think that those who are doing this to my Nick deserve a punishment of being locked up in freezing winter air for life,"she said willingly.

They walked and walked toward the black blob that was growing in size with every step they took. Finally, they reached the bunker and went up to the door.

No guards were waiting for them inside, but they quickly became surrounded and called out, " GET OFF. DON'T YOU TOUCH ME." But the comments blurred away just as fast as they had come. The poor clan was then thrown in a cell with the other elves and Santa. They needed a miracle and needed it fast. They closed their eyes and drifted off into sleep filled with dreams.


The elves knew something was up. That is why they had followed Kringle and stopped making toys. The elves that had followed brought laughy gas to knock out the guards for they would surely lock them up too.

When they reached the bunker, they found Rudolph and the other reindeer kicking at the doors. The elves marched up to them thinking they would open but fell backward when they smacked into them. After that, they decided to push on things to open. Soon they had found the guards and put laughy gas over the area, knocking out the the elves that were nearby too. One of them had to run back for the keys.


The stomping of boots filled the corridor and the prisoners behind them knew what it was. " We're RESCUED! WE'RE RESCUED! SANTA WE'RE FREE!" called Kringle.

The captures were quickly freed and flown back home . Mrs.Claus got her wish and the nasty children are outside Kringle Mcjingles new home. The lonely elf even met a match and they had a baby elf name Carol Chocolate Fluff Mcjingles.

Everyone in North Pole village lived happily ever after. The Mcjingle family opened up their own business in Chicago that sold ornaments and toys. The Mcjingle family did live to know one thing, that even though he was saved by others, Kringle Mcjingle had saved the day, not any day though but Christmas Day. For Santa had returned the night right before Christmas Eve and all was well for a long time for humans, animals,and elves.

The Christmas Story

By Lance Rutledge

"Get up you big sleepy head!" My little cousin, Kolt, was jumping on me. "It is 5:00 A.M.," I replied. "What do you want you crazy kid?" After I started talking he slid down from my bed. "What I want is to go open the Christmas presents." "Why?" I replied. "Because Uncle Kelly said we can," he replied.

I lifted him up on my bed and we started talking. "Do you know why Uncle Kelly told you that?" "No, I don't," he replied. "Well the reason he told you that is because you would not go to sleep, and you wanted to stay up until Santa got there so he told you that to get you to sleep," I sadly told him. "But, since he told you that, you can get up and open the presents." "Yay, I get to go open the presents!," he cheered. So off we went. I lifted him up on Uncle Kelly, and once again Kolt stated the reason we were there. Kolt was losing the battle so I came and supported him. So finally we went and opened the presents. My first present that I opened was covered in big blue and gold strips on a red background. It was very small, so that made me think it would be small and not very cool. But I was proven wrong. I tore it open and inside was a big hunting knife!

Kolt's first present was a big box. It was so big it could not go under the tree; it was also twice the size of him. I got to help open that giant box and guess what was inside? A big toy train and train tracks. I also got a big mount for my first deer that I shot just this year.

Kolt's favorite toy that he got was a big noise maker that could project your voice or make a siren. (It was VERY annoying so we sent it back home with him.) My favorite gift that I got was a big orange backpack that was full of stuff like bear spray, a pistol and all of that hunting stuff. I say it was the best Christmas ever!


By Danni Burke

At the start of each Christmas season, friends, family, and other loved ones spend thousands of dollars buying gifts for each other. . If I had thousands of dollars, I would spend most of it on the kids that don't get toys, and let them have the Christmas they deserve. Every year you get lots of presents that are piled up under your tree. Some people can't even afford trees. On Christmas you run into the living room and start to open all the gifts. Usually you play with all the gifts for about three days, then just forget about them. But just think about it, all those kids that wake up on Christmas morning and run into the living room. The room that is full of mats and family members that sleep in the same room. They see all the same mats, but no presents. So the next time you and your parents go Christmas shopping and you see a box that reads "Toys for Tots," just think about the kids that don't have a Christmas. Imagine what they would do for even the littlest gifts.

The Papers

By Allyson Hitt

"Mary, where are my mittens? I can't find them anywhere!" mumbled Santa grumpily. There were five more weeks until Christmas, and things were getting a little busy around the North Pole. "Oh, Nicholas, I put them in the wash this morning! I thought I told you! Boy, this girl is getting old!" Mrs. Claus said with a laugh. Santa also laughed, a great big, bellowing laugh. "Oh, Mary, I've been sorting through naughty and nice papers since the day after last Christmas! I'm sorry if I sounded a bit demanding, I'm getting stiff around the edges, ya know!" He walked over to me and said, "Jinx, how many lists do I have to sort through again?'' I thought for a minute, "How many lists have you plowed through already?" He thought for a moment before replying, "1,867 billion!"

My jaw dropped! This was a lot of work to do in less than 365 days. I had to calculate this for a moment. "240 sir! I think..."

Santa slumped down in his chair. He had already done so much work. I knew what he felt like, being an elf is hard too, ya know. Especially when you're Commander Elf, Santa's go to elf!

Out of all the elves, why did he have to pick me? Of course! I remembered, I knew just what to do! "Errr, I could help you sir! I could do more than half. Or maybe all of them?" My voice squeaked a little at the end. Santa looked at me with the happiest smile I had ever seen. "Oh bless your soul Jinx! Bless your little merry soul!" He walked off, with Mrs.Claus close behind.

I had been working for a couple hours. It was noticeable the progress I had been making. I counted how many. One, two, three, four, five, six.

It took me 45 minutes, and I only had 45 minutes. Wow I been making some progress. Santa had walked into the room a couple of times to either offer me treats, ask me if he could help, or give me milk and cookies (and oh, how did he did love his milk and cookies!) Of course I turned him down when he asked if I needed help. I told him was going to do this for him, and I meant it!

As commander elf, all I really do is watch the elves work (to make sure they are behaving themselves), check the toys they make for flaws, and then re-check the toys.

There is always someone Santa has picked out to fill my spot, but I take over (behind his back of course). Though I feel bad about it. I have worked this job since I was a wee elf! A better choice made by someone working this job for .6 million light years, (but still very young) than someone who had worked as a toy-deliverer for .10 million light years!

Although he is older, I know this job like the back of my hand. I looked down at my hand, "Oh, milk and cookies! That's new!'' There was a little dot on my hand. Nothing to worry about. Anyways, I had chosen Tom Tinsel-Toes as a fill in. He is my go-to elf, mainly because he is my nephew. He has watched me do my work since he was a tiny, tiny elf. He knows every trick up my sleeve, every thing there is to know about this job. He was a perfect fit!

Mrs. Claus came in with a sandwich. Toasted moon-crescent bread, cut into little Christmas trees, perfectly seasoned ham (though I hate ham. No matter how "perfectly" seasoned it was. But of course I didn't tell her this.), and the North Pole's finest cheese. Reindeer-Milk cheese! It's good stuff, really, though not a lot of people can afford it .

I said, "Thank-you," and she left. I threw the sandwich out of the closest window I could find, and went back to work.

One, Two, Three, FourI, rFeivceo,uSnitxe. d the papers,

Six! Only six! Wow I had really done some work. Santa walked in and said, "Even though you had said you would do all of it, I have just gotten so bored from sitting around doing nothing! I order you to let me do the rest of work!" I thought for a moment, "O.K," I was going to let him finish the work.

While he was working, he also had a habit of singing. "Ohhh, up on the mountain, clear blue skies! As the Reindeer fly, up on the mountain's nice fluffy, thick clouds!"

I smiled and walked away. The song now stuck in my head. He was now whistling as I got farther away. The sound easing into a faint memory. It was time for me to get back to my real job.

The End

It's A Day to Remember!

By Kylee Strenberg

Holiday melodies flow through the air, White powder falls from the starry sky, Gold bells shimmer in the moonlight,

Glassy icicles dangle from the bare, willowy trees,

Jet-black smoke glides out of brick chimneys and fades into the dark merry night, Carolers spreading joy house by house,

Families all around making cherishable memories, It's a day to remember!

The New Years of Christmas

By Mattie Gasvoda

I run to my room, tears rolling down my cheeks. When I reach my room I slam the door behind me and plop down on my unmade bed. My parents are so unfair, they

never agree with anything, not even with me getting an iphone for Christmas. That's all I want this year and I just wish they knew how I feel.

I reach over to my nightstand and grab a tissue to wipe the tears running down my cheeks. Then I hear someone knocking on my door, my dad, I could tell because the footsteps are like loud strikes of thunder and my mom's footsteps are like taps of rain.

My dad then says, " Please let me come in, we can talk about it, it's just for your safety...." "Go away, Mark!" I interrupt.

Then he says softly,"You can call me dad, you know, I am your father." "You are not my father and you never will be!" I screamed with anger. Then I heard footsteps getting softer and softer. I almost felt bad for him, because he just lost his job and he is trying so hard to find a new one.

I try to throw my tissues into the garbage can, close to my desk, but I miss. I would go pick them up but I am too lazy.

I slowly dozed off. When I woke from my deep sleep I laid in my bed for a while. Then I heard the sound of my belly growl like an angry beast. I decided to go into the kitchen, and when I did my parents were sitting on our couch talking in a whispering voice that only they could hear. I decided to keep walking until I arrived to the kitchen. I filled up a cup with water and chugged it down very quickly. I opened the fridge door and dug through all the food that was bought the other day when my parents and I went to Walmart.

Nothing got my attention, so I opened the door of the cupboard, my eyes reached the hot chocolate mix, so I quickly grabbed it and stirred it into hot water. On my first gulp of hot chocolate it sent warm chills all through my body. I sipped down the rest of my hot chocolate, it was mostly little clumps of the chocolate powder, which tasted very disgusting passing down through my throat.

When I finished, I place my cup into the dishwasher and went back to my room.

My parents were still sitting on the couch whispering words that I still could not hear.

I just stayed in my room doing random stuff, while my parents were cooking a meal for us and our family members to enjoy. My relatives finally arrived bringing different desserts and salads into our house. Everyone sat down enjoying their meal, laughing and telling jokes, but I just sat there poking at my food, one piece at a time.

After everyone decided that they were all full of food they sat down in the living room handing out gifts to each of the kids. I just got a few little things like some nail polish, assorted candies, some markers, and nifty stuff like that.

Later all the children ran around my house playing, laughing and being loud like they usually are until they had t o leave. I was finally able to go to sleep, which felt amazing.

I woke up to a loud voice which was coming from outside, I was pretty sure it was a caroler singing cheesy Christmas songs. Snowflakes were scattered all around my window and white puffy snow covered the ground. I got out of my bed, rubbing my eyes which caused me to trip and fall over the stack of laundry on my floor. I winced, but got up and walked out into our living room. I was shocked to see how many gifts were under the tree, "I bet some of them are for relatives" I thought.

Four of the gifts had my name on them, and some of the gifts had my parents' names on them. A couple of them had my relatives' names on them as well.

Then my mom and dad came into the room, followed by my grandma and grandpa. They told me to open the presents, so I did.

First, I opened the small one and it was a journal and a pen from my grandma and grandpa, then I opened another one from them and it was a doll. I told them that, "I don't play with dolls anymore," but you know how grandparents are, they never notice that your growing up. But I still appreciated it. After, I gave my grandma and grandpa hugs and said "Thank you."

I picked out the present that my mom and dad got me. I slowly unwrapped the flimsy paper covering the box and once I got to the box I opened it up and laying there in the box was a camera. I still like it even though it's not an iphone. I slowly whispered, "Thank you," under my breath so that only my parents could hear me. I placed the camera beside me and reached for the smaller gift, which was from my parents too.

After I gradually tore the paper off the box, there over the ripped paper was another box, not just any box, an iphone box. I tried lifting the cover up but my hands were trembling with excitement. Finally, I was able to calm down and I opened it up. Right there in front of me was my new iphone and my very first one. I finally ended that day with a good night sleep, dreaming about what will happen next.


By Tannin Baumann

(To the Tune of Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer)

You know Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid, and Donner and Blitzen. But do you recall, the least famous ostrich of all?

Brownie the black-necked ostrich had a very creaky beak. And if you ever saw it, you would even say it creaks (like a chalk board!).

All of the other ostriches, used to laugh and call him names (like a weirdo!). They never let poor Brownie play in any ostrich games (like pin the tail on the ostrich!).

Then one foggy normal day, Jimmy came to say, "Brownie with your beak so creaky, won't you be my friend for life?" Then all the ostriches adored him, they all wanted to be his friend. That's the kind of Christmas present Brownie got and it was his best.

The Boy who meet Santa

By Josalynn Genereux

It was Christmas Eve, and Anthony was sitting on his living room couch eating ice cream. He was watching a T.V. channel that played Christmas movies all the time. He didn't really like the movies that were playing, but he watched them anyway. As he was watching one of the movies, he nearly fell asleep.

The next day he woke up very early. No one else was awake, so he cooked breakfast. Then he sat down and started eating. After a while he looked out the window, and saw an odd looking dog walking on it's hind legs down the sidewalk.

The dog was very cute and fancy. The black and white dog was wearing a green and white tuxedo, with a black fedora.

Anthony stopped eating his breakfast and started to run around the house looking for his camera. He eventually found it, then ran outside, only to find out that the dog wasn't there.

Anthony then started searching for the dog. He looked in buildings, alleys, and even asked strangers. He was starting to give up, but then he saw footprints. They weren't any normal foot prints, they were dog footprints, the footprints of a dog's back legs.

Anthony started to follow them, they seemed to be going toward the old local warehouse. Once Anthony stepped into the warehouse he heard a noise. It scared him, but he kept going. He saw the dog's foot and went after it. The dog was frightened at first, but then calmed down. Anthony then asked the dog what his name was. The dog replied "Trey." Trey then looked at his watch and pressed a button.

All of a sudden Anthony and Trey were sitting on cold snowy ground. Trey then said " Follow me." As they were walking Anthony started to notice little people. As they got closer Anthony realized that they were actually elves. He said "Hi." and then kept on moving with Trey.

The whole time Anthony was looking around and after a while he noticed that they were in the North Pole. Anthony was so excited he didn't even notice that they had already walked into Santa's house.

As soon as Santa saw Anthony he said " Aww, Anthony you have finally arrived, come, follow me." Sure enough, Anthony went straight up to Santa and started to follow him. Anthony didn't bother to ask what they were doing.

They got onto a train and started to talk. They talked for hours, but then it was time for Santa to go back home and Anthony too.

One thing that was special was that Santa told Anthony a secret, a secret that could never ever be told to anyone else.

Santa's Bucket List

By Anonymous

I bet you have Christmas on your mind right now, don't you? You are thinking about presents,decorations, and also relatives, but I bet you are not thinking about Santa's bucket list. Well, I happened to recover it.

1. Make presents.

2. Hug a shark.

3. Take a selfie with a land line.

4. Find that galaxy that is far, far away.

5. Shoot the thirty point buck.

6. Ride bareback on the one and only....Rudolph.

7. Eat a giant butterfinger.

8. Speak fluent Spanish.

9. Win "American Idol"using sign language.

10. Quit my job.

11. Rob the Mall of America.

12. Suffocate the water.

13. Stare down a wolf.

14. Hold a lightsaber.

15. Steal the horn off a Narwhal.

The Little Santa Clause

By:Gabriella Jaynes

Once upon a time there was a little boy. His name was Ricky. Ricky loved Christmas. In fact, he loved Christmas so much, that when he got a sled, he built some seats and walls for it to make it look like Santa's sleigh. Then he dressed his dog up to make it look like Rudolph. Ricky had a lot of robots, so he dressed them up to make them look like elves. He also built a gigantic tree house and added all sorts of machines. He even programmed all of the robots to make and wrap all sorts of toys.

After he programmed the robots to make and wrap toys, Ricky went into his room. "AHHH, there's a kid up here!" the robot yelled. Ricky ran out of his room and didn't see a kid anywhere. He walked over to the robot and said, "There is no kid in here." Then the robot said, "Are you sure, Because I just saw a kid walk into your room." So just to show the robot there was no kid in there, he walked over into his room. They were both surprised.

There on the couch, was a little kid sleeping away. Ricky said, "You were right, there is a kid in here." After Ricky got the kid safely back to his parents, he went back to his workshop. When he got there, he dressed back up into his Santa outfit and with relief, he said, "Since the kid is gone now, we can get back to work."

All the robots quickly got back to making and wrapping toys for it was almost Christmas.

When the preparations were finished, Ricky went to the sled and got the dog out of his house. He hooked the dog to the sled, and, with a WHOOSH, the sled leapt into the air, he was off. The one problem was, that when he got to the first house, he remembered he had forgotten the presents.

So he went back and got the toys and then went back to all of the houses. The next morning, kids were happily in their living rooms opening presents.

Ricky was already working on the presents for all the kids for next year. He still remembered the little boy though, the one who slept on his couch. Although there were many emergencies like that, there were some emergencies he never came to. He never came to the non urgent emergencies but he did come to the others. Other than that, he never came to the emergencies that didn't sound urgent again.

P.S., Ricky was 10 when he started to build the treehouse and when he finished, he was 40 years old. He is also 400 years old right now.

The Two Elves Who Saved Christmas

By: Ryan Tan

Once upon a time there were two elves, my sister and I. We were making toys at the North Pole. We love Christmas, but one day the boss named, Mrs. Fasteson, made an announcement. She said, "Santa is sick," and that meant that Christmas was canceled.

So all the elves went home except me and my sister, Carmen. We were both very surprised. We did not want to go home and miss Christmas, so we decided that we would deliver the presents ourselves.

So we got on the sleigh and off we went. But something happened, that night. We forgot to harness the reindeer, including Rudolph. "So I guess we should use our dogs, instead of reindeer," I decided. There names are: The Cute Bella, and The Mighty Bolt.

With their help, we delivered all the presents to everyone, including those people who go to the Big Sandy school. Well, except two last people, named Lance and Tannin. So we delivered those presents but , Lance woke up. Tannin he was still asleep. Lance was wondering where Santa was. We said, "He is sick and he canceled Christmas, but don't worry we are filling in for him." He said, "Well did you get my presents,

right?" We said, "Of course," then Lance got his two action figure's, ten Nerf guns, and a cyborg dog... oh, and two time machines. And Tannin got a tiger. Lance said "Thank you." Then we said "Your welcome." So my sister and I went off and saved Christmas.

Christmas Story

By Kody Strutz

You all think being Santa is easy, well it's not. First of all, you have to keep everything under control. Like all the elves, reindeer, toys, and Mrs.Claus. But the absolute worst is .... checking the naughty or nice list. Well there is making the toys, but that is nowhere near as bad. The thing that makes checking the list so bad is that there are so many naughty kids these days. I have to waste to much money on coal. As you can see, Santa is a hard person to be.

Now I'll go onto the good thing about being Santa I really enjoy going on the rides over the city and creeping into people's houses, like a robber. I like to get all the reindeer ready to go on the rides. I also like to get all the cookies and milk from all the kids (the reindeer especially like carrots and celery). But my most favorite thing about being Santa is .... getting to see little kids diligently sleeping with a smile on their faces. So there you have it, there are all the reason's why being Santa isn't always easy .... Wait! I HATE BEING CALLED FAT!!!!