May Regular and Special School Board Minutes

Regular Meeting May 16, 2017 7:00 p.m.

Trustees Present: Diana LaBuda, Vice Chairperson, Darin Genereux, Andrew Long, Brandon Gasvoda, Trustee Absent, Brad Weaver.

Staff Present: Brad Moore, Superintendent, Maryetta Engle, Clerk, Heather Wolery, Elementary Head Teacher.

Visitors Present: Miranda Schwenke, Colby Cline, Lorrie Merrill, Trent Cline, Jessica Roth, Heather Pleninger, Joe Bahnmiller, DJ Camp, and Cheryl Strutz.

1. Call to Order

Vice Chairperson Diana LaBuda called the meeting to order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance, The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Welcome Guests, Vice Chairperson Diana LaBuda welcomed the guests.

4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting, Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve the minutes of the April 18, 2017 regular meeting. Discussion. Unanimous.

5. Public Comments to the Board - NONE

6. Correspondence - The Board of Trustees received a thank you from the Bitz family for flowers. They also received an invitation to the FFA Banquet to be held on Sunday, May 21, 2017.

7. Student Council Report - Jessica Roth reported that the new student body officers are Vice President Brock Proulx, Sophia Reichelt, Secretary Treasure, and Jessica as President. Also reported, was that the sportsmanship has been better, but could still use some improvement. There is also some concern regarding recent student suspensions, and the attitudes of the students being suspended.

8. Old Business

a. Building Maintenance Projects

Superintendent Moore reported that the sewer project has been completed.

The elementary flooring is scheduled to start on June 8, 2017.

Supt. Moore reported that the annex painting project has been completed.

b. Pool Project

There will be an Aquatic Center Committee meeting on May 18, 2017 at 6:30 pm.

c. Draft Strategic Plan - Darin Genereux moved Diana LaBuda seconded to approve the Strategic Plan. Discussion. Unanimous.

d. Elective Offerings.

Superintendent Moore reported that there have been few pre-register for Digital Academy courses.

e. Lunch Costs - Darin Genereux moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve a twenty-five (25) cent increase to both breakfast and lunch prices. Discussion. Unanimous.

9. New Business

a. Student Work Program

Supt. Moore stated that the student was exceeding the attendance policy because they had not called the school as the attendance policy dictates. Employer was there with time cards showing they were at work, just were unable to call. Employer asked that if the Board was to allow the work program in the future, to contact the employer before approving to make sure that the stipulations can be met before implementation. - Brandon Gasvoda moved Darin Genereux seconded to allow the student to pass if all other requirements class requirements are met. Discussion. Unanimous.

b. Approve Elementary Teachers - Andrew Long moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve Devyn Poser for sixth grade. Discussion. Unanimous.

Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve Samantha Weaver for kindergarten. Discussion. For: Diana LaBuda, Andrew Long, Darin Genereux, and Brandon Gasvoda.

Supt. Moore reported that he had received and accepted the resignation of Leah Olson. The have interviewed for the position, and have extended an offer to Shelbi Darlington.

Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve Shelbi Darlington for Leah’s position if she accepts. Discussion. Unanimous.

c. Extra Duty Contracts - Andrew Long moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve the list of extra duty assignments and athletic director. Discussion. Unanimous.

d. Coaches - Brandon Gasvoda moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve Ronnie Simpson as the head football coach, Larry Jappe as the assistant football coach and Kurt Strutz as the junior high football coach. Discussion. Unanimous.

Andrew Long moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve Shersteen Cline as the head volleyball coach and Teal Poole as the assistant volleyball coach. Discussion. Unanimous.

Brandon Gasvoda moved Darin Genereux seconded to table both boys’ and girls’ basketball at this time, with a special meeting before school is out.

e. Classified Contract - Brandon Gasvoda moved Andrew Long seconded to raise to the base on the classified salary matrix twenty (20) cents to $8.95 and to leave the hours for the elementary assistant at twenty (20) hour per week. Discussion. Unanimous.

Andrew Long moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve the list of classified employees with the salary per the approved matrix. Discussion. Unanimous.

f. Rocky Boy Permission to Enter - Brandon Gasvoda moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve the Rocky Boy Permission to Enter. Discussion. Unanimous.

g. Box Elder Permission to Enter - Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve the Box Elder Permission to Enter. Discussion. Unanimous.

A recess was called at 8:20 pm.

The meeting reconvened at 8:25 pm.

h. Re-Commitment to Bear Paw Cooperative - Darin Genereux moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve the re-commitment to Bear Paw Cooperative. Discussion. Unanimous.

i. Commitment to Golden Triangle Cooperative - Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to approve the commitment to the Golden Triangle Cooperative. Discussion. Unanimous.

j. Commitment to Montana Quality Educators Coalition (MQEC) - Andrew Long moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve the commitment to MQEC. Discussion. Unanimous.

k. Policy 2168 Distance, Online, and Technology-Delivered Learning; Policy 2170 Digital Academy Classes; 2170P Digital Academy Classes- First Reading

The Board of Trustees discussed changes they would like to make to these policies. As this is the first reading, no action was taken at this time.

l. Mentoring Program

Supt. Moore gave a report on the mentoring program. The staff felt that it is helpful overall, but new teachers could use some more help on the grading program and clarification on what class advisor duties are.

m. Lighting Project

Supt. Moore presented a proposal that would update our lighting in both schools to LED. No action was taken at this time.

n. Elementary Copy Machine - Andrew Long moved Brandon Gasvoda seconded to approve the purchase of a Canon Color imageRUNNER ADV C5540i copy machine. Discussion. Unanimous.

o. Superintendent/Principal Duties

Supt. Moore presented the job descriptions and responsibilities of the Superintendent and Principal. Copy attached.

10. Re-Organization

a. Seat Board Members-Sign Oath of Office - Darin Genereux, Brandon Gasvoda, and Andrew Long were issued the Oath of Office and were seated on the Board at this time.

b. Appoint Board Chairperson - Brandon Gasvoda nominated Diana LaBuda for Board Chairperson, Darin Genereux seconded. Unanimous.

c. Appoint Vice Chairperson - Brandon Gasvoda nominated Andrew Long for Vice Chairperson, Diana LaBuda seconded. Unanimous.

d. Appoint District Clerk - Andrew Long moved Darin Genereux seconded to appoint Maryetta Engle as District Clerk for the 2017-18 school year. Discussion. Unanimous.

11. Reports

a. Clerk- The mail ballots for the bond will go out June 12, 2017. The clerk will be attending the Montana Association of Business Officials (MASBO) conference June 13-16, 2017.

b. Superintendent--We have been able to place the orders for the teacher’s supplies for next year.

-The June board meeting will need to be held on Monday, June 19th.

-Supt. Moore reported that legislature has shifted some of the tax responsibility from the state level to the local level. As a result, the school will require an extra 24 mills at the local level to maintain the budget.

12. Approval of Claims

- K-12 - Andrew Long moved Darin Genereux seconded to approve K-12 District # 2 claims. Unanimous. Copy attached

Claim warrants 46544 through 46592, Payroll warrants 34535 through 34576 and Direct Deposit batches 108 through 109 were approved.

12. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 pm.

Special Meeting

May 31, 2017 7:00 am

Superintendent’s Office

Trustees Present: Diana LaBuda, Chairperson, Darin Genereux, Andrew Long, Brad Weaver, Trustees Absent: Brandon Gasvoda

Staff Present: Brad Moore, Superintendent, Maryetta Engle, Clerk

Guests Present: DJ Camp and Colby Cline

1. Call to Order

Chairperson Diana LaBuda called the meeting to order.

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Welcome Guests

Chairperson Diana LaBuda welcomed the guests.

4. Public Comments - None

5. Old Business

a. Hire Coach(es)

Darin Genereux moved Andrew Long seconded to advertise for the boys basketball head coach. Discussion. Unanimous.

Brad Weaver moved Darin Genereux seconded to hire DJ Camp as the head girls basketball coach. Discussion. Unanimous.

6. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 am.

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