From The Mayor's Desk

The regular August City Council meeting was held on August 10th. The Pledge was recited, minutes were approved, there were no public comments and there was one visitor.

There was no Sheriff’s report.

Concerning the new water project, several calls have been made to Rural Development and it looks like it is funded and headed for a spring start up. Before that can happen there will have to be some public meetings to let people know what is happening.

The Brown Field project which concerns the old Service Station in Big Sandy got some bad news when it was discovered that the Brown Field account has money for inspections but is low on funds for cleanup.

Two people talked to the City Council about Lippard/ Clawiter funding. The City would like to apply for a grant for fireworks for the fireworks display. The TV Club would like to apply for funding to upgrade the TV reception in Big Sandy.

The first reading of the noxious week ordinance was read. The second reading and a vote about noxious weeds will be held on the September meeting.

The City resolved to raise water rates five percent to have a short lived account to buy meters and the like.

A resolution was passed to move some money from one account to another account.

In Old Business, work on ditches and roads is getting done. The road next to the elementary school campus is completed and it was a nice job.

The Mayor addressed emergency funding to fix the water pipe under highway 236 and discussed conference calls to Rural Development, KLJ Engineering and Treasure State Endowment.

Mostly the same people were on the shutoff list.

Claims were paid and journal vouchers handled so the meeting was adjourned.

The next regular City Council meeting will be September 7 and there will be an important budget meeting at the City Hall Chambers on September 6 to approve the final budget for the upcoming year.

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