Big Sandy Booster Club reboots with new President

The Big Sandy Booster Club got a huge boost with a large number of Pioneers wanting to help out with Booster activities. The Booster Club rolls went from well under ten to over twenty and gains are being made even yet.

The goals of the Booster Club are simple according to President Jeri Roth. They are to help students get excited about things to do in school whether they are athletic or academic.

If there are places for science students to go to that are costly, Booster Club can help with those expenses and always they are buying what equipment they can to help the various Big Sandy teams.

Booster Club is also providing awards for "Student of the Month" this year.

"The main goal is simply to bring pride to the community," said Roth. "I want my kids to be proud they live in Big Sandy and take pride in their school."

This year's Booster Club officers are Jeri Roth, President, Dave Louvar, Vice President, Heather Dilworth, Secretary and Melanie Schwarzbach as Treasurer.

All organizations look for funding to help them pay for the good things they do. The Booster Club, this year, is looking for corporate sponsors to advertise their businesses on large hanging banners in the gym.

If you want to be a Black sponsor, it will cost you four hundred dollars a year for a three by six foot banner in the gym and a Pioneer Booster Certificate.

A Purple sponsor for five hundred dollars a year gets a three by six banner in the gym. In addition, purple sponsors will receive two activity passes and a Pioneer Booster Certificate.

The cream of the crop is to be a Gold Sponsor. In addition to the banner in the gym, for seven hundred and fifty dollars a year those sponsors get four additional activity passes and fifty dollars worth of Pioneer Booster Gear.

Rich Roth is heading up the corporate wing of the Booster Club. He recently wrote, "The purpose of the program is to provide financial assistance, with the help of generous sponsors to all of Big Sandy Public School's athletic teams, clubs and activity organizations as they participate and compete throughout the school year."

Interested in being a Corporate Sponsor? Contact Roth at 406-390-2955.

Asked what activities would fill the Booster Club Bucket List, Roth said that they dream about a dance, a movie on the football field, a family pizza night at Peps for the whole community, a Bon Fire night just before the Chili Feed and a powder puff football derby.

"We need people to put this altogether," said Roth. "The more support we get the better organization for the Big Sandy schools we will have."

`Roth also added that the group would love to have some older generations represented in the Booster Club like grandparents of Big Sandy students.

"That whole generation can tell us what worked and what did not and that is really important," said Roth.

Contact Jeri Roth at 801-631-6551