September students of the Month

September Students of the Month were:


K- Marie Bold

1- London Keane

2- Daijalin Sunchild

3- David Morsette

4- Dolan Sunchild

5- Ryder Oats

6- Conner Sibra

Junior High/High School

7-Ryan Tan

8- Samantha Sandlin

9- Cameron Schwarzbach

10- Faith Gasvoda

11- Shania Walks Over Ice

12- Andrea Rutledge

Each student received a certificate, a bag of Kracklin Kamut (donated by Big Sandy Organics) and a free milkshake (donated by the Grocery Store).

Then I drew a grand prize winner from those names for each school and those winners were: Dolan Sunchild and Samantha Sandlin, They received $10 i...