Guest Interview: Crystal Geyer

This week's guest interview is with Crystal Geyer.

Crystal runs the Senior Citizen's Center with a lot of help from her cooks she says but going into this holiday season, she has lots more on her mind than just food.

The Senior Citizen's Center has about a jillion greeting cards to sell and sell soon.

Here is the thing. Crystal says there are tons and tons of cards, She is selling them for ten cents a card or buy several boxes and donate the proceeds to the Senior Citizen's Center.

People who still send Christmas Cards know how pricey they can get. Not at the Senior Citizen's Center where high quality cards are still just ten cents a card.

Send a card to all of your friends and neighbors and relatives on all occasions and show them how much you really care about them.

And you will be really helping out the Senior Citizen's Center who needs to get rid of cards and as quickly as possible. Maybe you are going to have a New Year's Resolution to send all your friends a card for Ground Hog Day. Chances are the Senior Citizen's Center can help you out double in a case like that. They probably have New Year's cards and Ground Hog Day cards as well.

Look at it this way. Some misguided souls have thought that sending a computer card is a proper way to send Christmas Cards to friends. It isn't and for one simple reason. You can't send glitz and glitter through cyberspace.

No, it isn't ten cents a dance, it is ten cents a card but who knows, buy enough cards and maybe they will even throw in a dance!