Big Sandy Booster Club Supports Big Sandy Students

The Big Sandy Booster Club is gearing up for an exciting 2018-2019 school year!

The Club enjoyed a busy 2017-2018 year! Under the direction of the board; Jeri Roth-President, Lisa Genereux-Vice President, Heather Dilworth-Secretary and Melanie Schwarzbach-Treasurer; the booster club has extended support to many activities during the 2017-18 school year.

The year started off with the annual fall kickoff BBQ. Members of the football and volleyball teams were introduced and burgers and hot dogs were cooked up along with a lot of other great food provided by families.

At the end of the fall season, the Booster Club hosted a gathering for students to enjoy pizza. Monies, in the amount of $10, were distributed to students of winter and spring activities including; boys and girls basketball, music festival, FFA, Science Fair, pep band, wrestling, and track. A scorers’ table and concessions area TV were purchased with generous memorial funds from the Pearson Family.

Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of every month at the Big Sandy Senior Center. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. The Booster Club donated $200 to the Center for use of their facilities.

Request forms for assistance can be found on the Big Sandy Schools website or by contacting one of the board members.

Corporate sponsors from our area paid $400, $500, or $700 to advertise in our school. Banners were purchased and hung in the gymnasium. Sponsorships can be purchased at any time.

Future Projects are always being considered. Any ideas are welcome. If you have ideas or questions, please share them with a Booster Club member or attend the monthly meetings. Consider becoming a member of this exciting Club in order to continue supporting our students!

Even though the 18-19 school year has not officially begun, funds have been allocated for football travel bags and a new popcorn popper for the concessions area. A “Home of the Pioneers” sign has been purchased and will be installed soon for our school.

Booster Club is excited to support the students of Big Sandy Schools and put into place many fun, encouraging and exciting activities for the 2018-2019 year. Join us for great fun during the Fall Sports Kick-off on August 28, 2018 at 6:00 PM. A “Powder Puff Football Game” will be held that night along with great food. Look for some great activities as well during Chili Feed Week; October 10-14.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the Big Sandy Booster Club; with time, efforts, financial support, making support posters and goodies, and cheering on our students! Please consider joining or renewing your membership this year. We would LOVE to have everyone in Big Sandy, or with Big Sandy ties, to join our mission in helping our students! Members can join anytime, and we will have a table for memberships at the Fall Kickoff BBQ. This organization has a place for everyone and all sorts of talents are needed to continue this mission. See you soon! GO PIONEERS!