"Twas the Night before Christmas Break"; submitted by Mrs. Worrall's 6th grade class

By Alex Worrall

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- Kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air,

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds;

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads;

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last;

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter;

I looked out the window to see what was there,

And all I saw were the kids yelling NOT FAIR;

So I ran out the door to tell the kids,

To come eat so you don’t see their ribs;

And all of a sudden I heard a kid yell help,

I looked over there it was and then I heard it yelp;

All I saw was a overgrown dog with antlers,

I asked the kid what happened and he answered;

He fell from the sky and his name is Prancer,

All the kids asked him if he was a dancer;

He said yes and I am looking for my Santa,

What is Santa’s favorite drink, Fanta;

We brought him inside to eat some delicious food,

At lunch he asked if we have any coffee that is brewed;

Can I go home to get some nice crispy hay,

Yes, when the sun goes down at the end of the day;

By Jai Baumann

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

They all charged to the door to see who it could be,

Kids all jumped to conclusions that it was me.

I was as confused as them to who it was,

Why blame me if they knew I was not the cause.

Then suddenly out jumped a man all red and white,

It was Santa he was all smiley and bright.

Why come so early I guess he was just checking,

He started to laugh then began inspecting.

Saint Nick is jolly and as bright as the sun,

He makes people feel like they are the one.

He was there for a few then gone as quick as the light,

We all saw Saint Nick and couldn’t believe the sight.

They looked at the sky and sat on their knee,

We hated to see him go, we wish he did not flee.

That was our day I hope you enjoyed,

We know he is real so no hearts needed to be destroyed.

By Darrell Sunchild

Twas the day before everybody’s favorite break

Where everybody can go bake and ache

Soon St.Nicholas will be at your home

To deliver what everybody wants a gnome

It was Christmas night everybody was in a deep sleep

All farmers couldn’t hear a single beep

Soon St.Nicholas will be at your house

It was so quiet you couldn’t hear a mouse

It was Christmas morning every kid got up in the morning

My mom gave everybody a warning

So we stayed in bed all cozy and warm

So I got out of my bed and worked on my football form

I did it for 2 hours and finally I went down stairs

For some reason our stairs are shaped like a square

So I got down stairs everybody was waiting

So I opened my presents and some are relating

By Hunter Moore

‘Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open-kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air.

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds;

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads.

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

Off towards the doorway, sped across the floor,

Kicked away the doorstop and flew out the door.

And then there he stood, the boss of the school.

Telling us news that was bound to be cruel.

“There will be no break,” He said, standing there smiling.

Then the students groaned, some crying and whining.

“But why? How could you?” Hunter asked staring.

“You just be quiet!” Boss guy yelled, glaring.

He snapped his head ‘round, body coming after.

And suddenly, he burst out in laughter.

He slammed shut the door, then stomped away loudly,

And there the class sat, most of them growling.

“We need to do something!” Said Hunter Moore.

“Yeah or Christmas Break will surely be done for!”

So off they stomped to the office of sadness,

To surely put an end to all of this madness.

But when they walked through the door, what did they see?

The principal packing, his face full of glee.

A shirt full of flowers, palm trees and bees.

“Wait,” HunterMoore said. “You’re going to Hawaii!?”

“So?!” The principal yelled. “We-uh-should have more school!”

“Then why are you leaving?” “Yeah! That’s just cruel.”

The principal yelled, “I have to work while you have fun.”

“Now, I’m giving you a taste of your own medicine.”

The principal always thought Christmas was useless.

Little did he know, it’s not something to miss.

The students told this to him, his perspective changed.

Then all of his plans started to rearrange.

His face started to form a smile, then he said,

“Merry Christmas Break for all!” And then he fled...

By Kadee Sternberg

Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open - kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds;

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads;

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

I dashed to the hall and saw a snow covered floor,

Everybody shocked, there was a hole in the door.

The wind was blowing hard and snow covered the halls,

There was some random kids throwing snowballs,

I was able to duck to avoid being hit,

And when the kids saw they missed, they just turned and quit,

Then the bell rang which declared break was here,

I gathered my stuff and ran without fear,

Into my house I got and dropped my bags without thought,

I rushed to the tree to see what I got,

The presents were wrapped fine with ribbons and bows,

Then my parents offered me cocoa to help warm my nose,

Now excitement was truly in the air,

But I was reminded I had to wait to be fair,

I tried to wait up as late as could be,

So I could see Santa place gifts under the tree.

By Kaya Demontiney

‘Twas the day before break,

No noise in the hall when at a moment there was a call.

We all turned to see who it could be,

But as the teacher was on the phone we heard a key,

Turning in the lock with a clinkgingish sound

As the key was turning all ways around.

Kids looking worried with frowns on their face,

Not one happy look in this worried place.

No one was moving, they were all scared

As the worried class turned to a glare

The man in the big red suit was standing there.

We all look at the man in the suit,

With his long brown boots,

In his hands were a plate full of fruits.

The man stood with a smile on his face,

With no more sad looks in this now happy place.

The man standing with his face full of glee

As the kids ran free to see if this could really be

The man who delivers presents on Christmas Eve.

The kids stood in one straight line,

But in the cold air a strong smell of pine.

St. Nick in the cold with his big fur coat,

Waiting for the kids to bring him their notes.

When they were done, St. Nick was off

And away with his take-off.

By:Loni Ophus

“Twas the day before break when all through the halls,

All students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open - kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds;

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads;

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down to let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

I weaved through the desks, sprinted to the door,

As I opened it I saw a small package on the floor.

I opened it up to see what it was.

And there I saw it and elf covered in fuzz.

He had a nice letter for me and my friends,

Something about some very beautiful hens.

We opened the letter to see what we should do,

And there we saw it, it was a clue.

A clue for what you may ask,

A clue for three very simple tasks.

The next clue was in the large chicken coop,

The clue said Santa needed a basketball hoop.

A basketball hoop, but why?

They said if Santa didn’t get one he would cry.

That got my mind going, really thinking.

My mind was on, really blinking,

We’re throwing Santa a Christmas bash

He’l even get a crown and a shash.

Santa never gets any presents

All he gets it some crescents.

We’ll get him a lot of presents, throw him a big party,

Just to find out his real name is Marty.

As we left I smiled in gleam.

Just to find out it was all a dream

By Ryder Oats

Twas the day before break ,when all through the halls

all students anxiously climbing the walls.

The lockers were open kids combing their hair

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air.

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads.

With people in the office and I in my class

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last.

When outside the room there arose such clatter

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

I saw kids in the hall talking and screaming

But soon I knew they will be all dreaming

When the doors opened I saw the whole school cheering

but five minutes later the halls started clearing

On my way out I saw trash all over the floor

But I didn’t bother I just walked out the door.

When I got to my house I went to bed to lay down

When I got up I looked out the window and saw my town

The whole neighborhood was filled with colorful lights.

Sometimes I wonder if it was a big price

Christmas Eve I went to bed thinking about presents

When I woke up I looked outside and there was snow it was pleasant.

Then I ran to the tree to check for presents under the tree

When I looked there was a lot presents that was all I could see.

When I saw the presents I was overjoyed

I opened one up to see that it was an Android.

By Severin Heimbigner

‘Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open - kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflake would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds;

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads,

With people in the office and I in my class,

We settle and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter,

I looked out the window to glimpse at a flash,

I saw people dressed, one with a sash.

They were playing with the freshly fallen snow,

They looked to be having a wonderful time til one fell below,

They tried and tried and tried til he appeared,

One looked up and seemed to have a big beard,

It was a crazy sight but at lunch we had lobster,

It was a fine meal but it looked like a monster,

We watched a movie, some people were talking but I got the blame,

Just then a knock on the door, it was LeBron James who came,

He was quite interesting but had to leave in a hurry,

It was weird to see him, after we went on a journey,

The journey was great and we went to the center of the Earth,

When we got back we talked about hearth,

We then watched an episode of the Who Was Show,

When it was done we packed our bags, it was time to go.