Wrestling Results for the Pioneers

Thursday, December 13- Fort Benton Mixer

Bailey Genereux, Freshman, won 1 lost 1 in the #126

Dillin Geyer, Sophomore, won 2 lost 1 in the # 160

Friday, December 14- CMR Holiday Classic, an all class tournament

Bailey Genereux, won 0 lost 2

Dillin Geyer, won 0 lost 2

Saturday, December 15- Bison Tournement

Bailey Genereux, won 1 lost 1 for 9th place in 126 class

Dillin Geyer, won 2 lost 1 for 8th place in the 160 class.

Big Sandy/Fort Benton wrestlers took 28th over all in the Bison Tournement.

The Wrestlers this season from Big Sandy are Freshman Bailey Genereux, Sophomore, Dillin Geyer, Junior Caden Tielking, and Senior Jordan Schwazbach.

Friday, December 21st they will head to Shelby. You can look up our wrestlers on trackwrestling.com for the weight brackets for the wrestlers.