Calling Class: 1st Place paid out $2,166.00 and went to Eli Hinebaugh, Kody Nystrom, Tanner Pronto, and Garrett Powell killing 14 coyotes.
2nd Place paid out $1,083.00 and went to Duke Darlington, Pete Sura, Paul Sura, and Cory Brothers killing 10 coyotes.
3rd Place paid out $361.00 and went to Wyatt Terry, Casey Terry, and Tyson Ruff killing 8 coyotes.
Open Class: 1st Place paid $1,176.00 and went to-Casey Clark, Blaine Judeman, Levi Clark, and Ryan Erickson killing 32 coyotes.
2nd Place paid $588 and went to Lacy Wortman, Sheena Wortman, Michael Prater, and Stephanie Prater killing 22 coyote...