All-Star Music Program

Three Big Sandy music students attended the All-Star Music Program held at the University of Montana, November 8-10. The students were nominated by Mr. Bond, the Big Sandy music and band teacher. Lily Winderl (trumpet), Katherine Bold (alto saxophone), and Erin Taylor (violin) joined other high school musicians from the western United States and Canada to participate in 3 days of instruction and music.

Erin said that "It was a great time to make friends and make music."

The students received sheet music a week before the event, and after practicing and rehearsing for hours at a time, were allowed to participate with the U of M marching band at the UM Grizzly pre-game. The concert music they performed varied from classical symphony to Arabian dance, each requiring a different style of playing. Working with guest conductors from across the nation made this an intense few days, but by Sunday, it was all worth it because the orchestra and band concerts received standing ovations. It's amazing to see and hear the music that high school musicians can create and perform.