Senior Profiles

Faith Gasvoda

Faith is the daughter of Pete Gasvoda and Marla Olson Shulund

Some words from her mom:

Faith is an intelligent, ambitious, and hard-working young lady. She has always loved animals. One of her favorite things is working with and taking care of her horses, cows, sheep, goats, and rabbits. She loves the farm life. Faith plans to attend MSU-Northern with several scholarships, majoring in Agricultural Technologies.

"Spread joy. Chase your wildest dreams."

-Patch Adams

Faith-I picked this quote for you because I think you spread joy with that beautiful smile you have. I know that it gives me joy whenever I see you smiling. And I also picked this quote because I know that if you chase your wildest dreams you will achieve them. I can't wait to see all the wonderful things you do and all the joy you spread wherever you go!

Ms. Wolery

Hunter Jappe

Some words from his mom:

Hunter Severin Jappe, is the son of Larry and Marie Jappe.

He has one older brother, Lawrence Jappe.

Growing up, Hunter always preferred hanging out with the "older crowd". This probably still holds true. When he was little he looked up to his older brother and his friends. Hunter enjoyed visiting with the "grown ups" at brandings. Blessed with a super quick wit he could be very entertaining himself. "Buck and Rick" were his go to cohorts. Present day, many of his closest friends are previous BSHS graduates.

Hunter has also always loved anything with a motor. Starting with knowing every kind of tractor as a toddler, to riding 4 wheeler's and motorcycles, to driving anything he could; as soon as he was allowed. Now, his favorite possession and hobby is his diesel pickup. He spends a lot of time, effort, and money perfecting his ride. Which is proving to be helpful, as he is looking to work to earn more money, for his pickup. This interest of his has helped shape his future plans. Hunter will be attending MSU Northern in the fall, majoring in Diesel Technology.

Hunter has always had a determined, independent spirit. He is so ready to move on to the next chapter in his story.

"Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be."

-Grandma Moses

The first time I met Hunter, he told me he was going to skip college and the army and go straight to the Mint. And while I know he does have plans for college, that humor and twinkle in his eye is still very much there. Life will be what you make it Hunter, and I am sure your life will be full of lots of fun and adventures. Good luck to you HJ, I can't wait to see all the great things you do!

Ms. Wolery

Lainey Gregory

Some words from her mom:

Elaina Ivy Gregory (Lainey) is the youngest daughter of Rob and Leslie Nielson Gregory, she has an older sister, Abby Gregory, who has always been her biggest fan.

Lainey is funny and smart, kind and caring, she has always been very driven in everything she puts her mind too. She loves spending time with her friends, hanging out or going off on small adventures. Lainey loves playing volleyball and basketball.

Lainey will be attending the College of Great Falls in the fall to be a Surgical technician.

We can't wait to see what next chapter holds for her. We love you BOO! and are so proud of you!!

"Follow your arrow, wherever it points."

-Kacey Musgraves

Oh sweet Lainey, I can't even believe you're old enough to be graduating from High School. I still picture you as that sweet little girl dressed in the ladybug outfit at Halloween, how can you possibly be grown up already? I picked this quote for you because I believe your sweet and kind attitude, organization and sense of responsibility will make you a huge success in whatever you choose to do. So follow your arrow Lainey, wherever it points and go be a huge success! You can do anything you set your mind to sweet Lainey-bug!

Ms. Wolery

Bailey Gasvoda

Bailey is the daughter of Brandon and Kristin Gasvoda. She has three sisters and one brother. She is very involved in her community and loves to help on her family farm. She plans to attend MSU Bozeman in the fall for Health and Human Performance and from there go to school to be a physical therapist.

"Kid, you'll move mountains."

-Dr. Seuss

Oh Miss Bailey, you will move mountains, I have no doubt. I have already seen you do it numerous times. You look at a mountain of work and just smile as you effortlessly climb it. I am sure that it is never as easy as you make it seem but your ability to face adversity with a smile on your face will bring you many successes in life. I am so excited to see all the mountains you climb and all the great things you do!

Ms. Wolery

Seanna Vae Demontiney

Some words from Aunt Rana:

Seanna Vae Demontiney is the second oldest daughter of Joe Don and Wendy (Jones) Demontiney. She has two sisters Cally and Kaya and two Brothers Lane and Julian. Seanna has a contagious smile that lights up a room. Aunt Rana, Uncle Bill and Grandma Kathy couldn't be prouder of the young woman she has become, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for her. Seanna loves children and has worked at the grade school for multiple teachers in Co-op classes the last four years, she has had a love for children and been a caregiver since she could walk. Seanna has a love for animals especially her horse Sapphire and her many dogs. She loves her friends and family and has a heart of gold. Seanna played Volleyball and Basketball and loved Track during her High School career. She has a love for music playing the flute, guitar and learned to play the piano her senior year. She loves to camp and kayak with her family and friends in the summer. One of our favorite memories of Seanna as a little girl was when she would come into Grandma Kathy's room and she would point her finger at the morning light and say" it's that time of the morning". Seanna worked at the Big Sandy Pool in the summer and enjoyed her job working at the Cross Fit gym a few mornings a week her senior year. Seanna's future endeavors are to attend University of Montana Missoula this upcoming fall with a degree in Business Management.

To My Niece

You are the joy to my heart and a delight to my eye.

You are a precious gift to our entire family and a wonderful addition to our lives.

Love you always

Aunt Rana and Uncle Bill

"She believed she could, so she did."

-R. S. Grey

Seanna- What a beautiful young woman you've grown up to be. I want you to know it always warms my mother's heart when you take the time to say hi to my girls, you are always so kind and sweet to them. Thank you for being a good role model and someone that they can look up to. I picked this quote for you because I truly believe it suits you perfectly. Don't be afraid of whatever life throws at you, just believe you can, and you will. Good Luck Sweet Seanna, I will be here cheering you on!

Ms. Wolery

Hope Gasvoda

Hope is the daughter of Pete Gasvoda and Marla Olson Shulund.

Some words from her mom:

Hope has always been very kind, caring, understanding, and good-hearted. Since Kindergarten, she has excelled at school and enjoys helping other students as well. She enjoys singing, reading, watching mysteries and joking around. Hope will be attending the University of Providence on a full tuition scholarship, majoring in Forensic Science, with plans to go on to medical school.

"I go to seek a Great Perhaps."

-Francois Rabelais

Hope-Your future's so bright and there is such a great perhaps waiting for you out there. Your ability to work hard, be inquisitive, and have a positive attitude will help you find that amazing future and be a huge success. Good luck in seeking your great perhaps Hope!

Ms. Wolery

Clint Darlington

Some words from his mom:

Clint Robert Darlington, son of Scott and Jennifer, grew up on the family ranch with his brothers; Duke and Jake and his cousin Trevor. Clint was also blessed with a "town" family, the Sipler's. They offered him a home away from home after late night practices and games throughout high school.

Clint has a wonderful sense of humor and easy way about him. He is humble, kind, and always has a hug ready for anyone who might need one. Clint is a gifted athlete and a good student, excelling in whatever it is he puts his mind too. He loves to travel, ride dirt-bikes and spend time with his friends.

Although Clint has faced many medical issues throughout his life, he embraced an uncertain future without question and always with a smile on his face. He has taught us all how to live.

Clint is going to study pre-med at the University of Montana with plans to enter the Doctorate of Pharmacy Program.

We could not be more proud of our Otis.

"Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world." - Tom Brokaw

Clint- Oh sweet Clint, Mr. "Always wandering in the hallway and never getting in trouble because you flash that sweet smile and those twinkling blue eyes." It's that disarming smile and twinkling eyes though that make me believe that if anyone can change the world, it's you. That's why I picked this quote for you, take all the things you've learned here growing up and use it as your ticket to make a difference. There are great things ahead of you Clint, I can't wait to see how you change the world!

Ms. Wolery

Audrey Sipler

Audrey is the daughter of Charlie and Lisa Summer Sipler.

Here's the story Audrey wanted to share-

I have lived in Big Sandy, Montana my whole life. I am the youngest of my family, with two older brothers. When I was four years old, my love of dance sprouted and continues to grow now. A few years later, I also fell in love with playing the flute, piano, and ukulele starting in the 4th grade! I recently helped bring back the High School Cheer team, creating a passion for that too. The arts have always been apart of my life, and it is something I would like to carry with me after high school. As of now, I plan on attending MSU in Great Falls, MT. My major is undecided, but I have thought about elementary education or dental assisting. I can't wait to begin a new journey soon!

Audrey, the quote I picked for you is "You have to dance a little bit before you step out into the world each day, because it changes the way you walk."

-Sandra Bullock

Sweet Audrey Sipler (or Sip-u-ler as my Georgia would say) what a wonderful soul you are. I obviously picked this quote because it talked about dancing but I also picked it because I think you have this attitude. I am certain that you are not always as happy as you seem but that beautiful smile is on your face almost all the time. You know how to face the world with a happy disposition and that is what will make you a success. Keep dancing, keep smiling, and keep laughing, you change the world with all of it.

Ms Wolery