New Year's Resolution for the Town of Big Sandy; Junk removal

At the start of another new year and in anticipation of the hundreds of family and friends coming to town this summer for another Big Sandy Homecoming, your Town Council wants to challenge all residents with this new year's resolution: WE RESOLVE TO CLEAN UP AND BEAUTIFY BIG SANDY!

The first step of this resolution is to clean up the town. The public spaces in town, like the parks and streets, are the responsibility of the Town Council. We will likely be asking for volunteer help this spring with gardening, tree and shrub trimming, and litter pick-up. You can help us by identifying areas you believe need special attention. Our city crew will be hard at work cleaning up the public places in town.

We will also need the help of community residents in cleaning up the private property in town. Lawns will need to be mowed. Weeds will need to be cut down or pulled out. Homes and out-buildings may need to be painted. Abandoned buildings may need to be torn down and burned. Old vehicles and machinery may need to be put away or hauled away. Junk and garbage may need to be disposed of. Of course, we realize that one man's junk is another man's treasure, but please use a commonsense rule of thumb: if it is not usable or is not being used, either store it out of sight or throw it away.

The Town Council would prefer that community residents maintain their own property voluntarily. However, failing to clean up voluntarily, the county sanitarian may be contacted to help enforce the following Town ordinance. (Please read this ordinance as a guide to cleaning up your property.)

Big Sandy Municipal Code:

Disabled or Junk Vehicles or Junk (selected portions)


B. "Junk" means any metal, glass, paper, rags, wood, machinery parts, appliance, or equipment parts, cloth or other waste or discarded material of any nature or substance whatsoever, or any scrap or salvage materials.

F. "Disabled or junk vehicle" means a discarded, ruined, wrecked, or dismantled motor vehicle, including component parts, that is not lawfully licensed, and remains inoperative, or is incapable of being driven.

8.09.020 Wrecked, damaged, or demolished motor vehicles or junk. It is a public offense punishable as hereinafter provided and it is declared to be a nuisance, for any person to leave or permit to remain any disabled or junk vehicle, or part or portion thereof, or junk upon any private property or any street, alley, or highway.

The full ordinance can be read at under City Hall/Forms, Code & Regulations.

Again, the Town Council wants to emphasize voluntary cooperation in cleaning up Big Sandy. We sincerely hope never to have to cite property owners under this ordinance. Big Sandy is our home together, and we hope all residents will join together in cleaning up and beautifying it.