The future of Pioneer Basketball, 4th, 5th & 6th grades

This year the grade school basketball season shorten but at least held. Coaching the girl's basketball this year was Jamie Worrall and Katie Heppner. Jamie Worrall said, "It was a great year we had 14 girls out. This was a great group of girls. They were really fun to work with." After visiting with a few of the brand new basketball players said it was a lot of fun. They won a number and lost a few, but everyone got to play. Next year, they are looking forward to next year when the 6th graders will be joining the Jr High team and playing a more aggressive game.

Riley Kurtz and Nathan Merrill were both new to boys basketball coaching this year. Eight boys went out. Riley appreciated coaching for the first time. He said, "It was fun, and I hope to keep working with the youth for years to come. He had different levels of experience from the first time playing to experience in Jr High ball.