This week in History

August 18th in 1936 local officials deny State Highway Department claim that Big Sandy is a Speed Trap. (of course, Patrolman Snow did pull over the Highway Commissioner….)

August 19th in 1942 War causes coaching shortage. Earl Julson fills in (George Jelinek is hired in October)

August 20th in 1936 Bud Barrett, Paul Sonksen, Joe Walters, Morton Larson Myron Hanson, Lloyd Larson complete trailer house and leave for California. In 1948 work begins on a new school.

August 21st in 1913 Sports History made when “Pep” Williford pitches his first game for Big Sandy. In 1949 three slot Machines stolen from The Mint.

August 22nd in 1924 In addition to movies, vaudeville, and dances, Grand Opera House now offers Roller Skating.

August 23rd in 1912 Work begins on first elevator, the Rocky Mountain/ In 1936 Kane’s Koffee Shop opens home cooked meals by Mrs. E. Berg

August 24th in 1938 the school is overcrowded. By a vote of 201-126, residents approved bonds to build a new building.