Medical Guild Rummage set for October 5th & 6th

The Medical Guild is gearing up for the 55th annual rummage sale! The sale is the main fundraiser for the Guild every year, proving successful with last years sale topping $10,000. Guild funds are used to help purchase items for the Big Sandy Medical Center. They donated $20,000 for the kitchen remodel project, have purchased patio furniture, helped with paint and flooring to update the insdie of hte building, and supported countless other projects and needs. The community of Big Sandy has been so great in supporting the Guild, between donating rummage, volunteering to sort, set up, and work the sale, baking pies, and of course rummaging and indulging in a great slice of pie, it's no wonder the event is always so successful.

The annual planning luncheon was held on August 28, with about 20 volunteers in attendance.

This year's sale will be October 5th and 6th. This will be before school spirit week and the Chilli feed so be sure to send the kiddos down to get all their spirit week outfit components! Of course you'll want to come see what treasures you can find as well. AND get pie. We cannot forget about the pie.

It is said that the women go to shop and the men go for pie, but that isn't always the case. Over the 50+ years, some pies have come to be quite popular. Linda Vielleux's apple pie for example is requested by name often. People also enjoy trying different types of pie. Last year an avocado pie was available and a first time fare for many folks in attendance. Pie will be dished up at $4 a slice with a cup of coffee to enjoy as well.

There are currently about 40 workers needed to pull off this event. The Medical Guild is such a great place to volunteer your time, give back to the community, and spend time with other community members. Lisa Sipler has been involved in the Guild over about seven years now and states she stays involved because, "having that money available to donate to things that improve life for the folks is important, and it is tradition." Helpers are always needed the week of the sale. Those involved in the past report a 40+ hour week preparing and selling. Giving a bit of your time at the sale to serve pie, box up goodies, or even sort rummage before the sale would be appreciated.

Community businesses and individuals also donate items for the raffle. Raffle tickets will be available at the store, senior center, and the bank. The bank is also where you'll be able to view all of the items that were donated for raffle prizes. To donate an item, reach out to Laci Labuda or drop it at the bank before October 2, 2023.

Donors can begin dropping their rummage off on Monday, Oct 2 at the Jerry Martin Memorial Hall. All donations must be received by Oct 3rd by 1 pm so items can be sorted and prepared for sale day. Shoppers can find those early bird treasures starting Thursday, October 5, from 8 am - 7 pm and shop the Box Sale Friday Oct 6, from 9 am -3 pm. The raffle winners will be announced at 3 pm on Friday.

Thank you for continuing to support the Big Sandy Medical Guild. See you at the Rummage Sale!