Students Study Shakespearean Sonnets

The second quarter of the school year has launched English students at Big Sandy High School into the wonderful world of poetry. Grades seven through twelve are writing a variety of poems and presenting them to their classmates.The Seniors and Sophomores have already written what is considered the most difficult type of poem: the Sonnet. There are two styles of this genre of poetry: Petrarchan and Shakespearean. They have few differences, but Shakespearean tends to be more favored. These 14-lined poems have a definite rhyme scheme, as well as a definite rhythm – “iambic pentameter.” All sonnets have the same theme: LOVE! For a high schooler to write beautifully and poetically about “love” is sometimes difficult, so I give them the grace of writing about whatever it is they truly love. Some write about their pets, their cars, their planes, their brandings…as long as they express themselves poetically and follow all the “rules” of a sonnet. After their poem is completed, I have the students add an illustration which can be their own artwork or clipart from the internet. I have been impressed with all of the ones I’ve received, and I look forward to the ones upcoming. Many, many of our students are wonderfully creative. I wish that everyone could see all of their work! The walls of the English classroom will be covered with their poetry, so stop by the school sometime and take a few minutes to read their pieces. You will be happy you did.

I have submitted a very beautiful sonnet written by sophomore Keira Galbavy for this week’s edition of the Mountaineer. Enjoy!

Love’s True Word

by Keira Galbavy,

a sophomore at Big Sandy High School

In quiet night, when stars do take their place,

Your love's sweet echo fills the hollow space.

A word unspoken, yet the heart does know,

In silent throbbing, love contends to grow.

Tucked away in your dreams, your lover rests,

Yet in your mind, love's absence thus protests.

Though silence reigns, in dreams his voice is heard,

Sweet whispers of affection – love's true word.

Yearn not for words unspoken in the night,

For true love's voice is not just words of light.

It's in the heartbeat, in the gentle touch,

His silent "I love you"s that mean so much.

So fret not for the night, dear friend of mine,

In silence, star-crossed lovers intertwine.