Unoffical Big Sandy Public School District 2 Regular Board Meeting December 18th 2023

Trustees present: Brad Weaver, Vice Chairperson

Jessica Sheehy, Matt Myers.

Trustees Absent: Kelly Rutledge, Chairperson. Staff Present: Superintendent, Dan Schrock

Principa,l Heather Wolery District Clerk, Mary Merrill.

Visitors Present: None

1. Call to order

Meeting called to order at 7:02pm by Vice Chairperson Brad Weaver, filling in for Chairperson Kelly Rutledge.

2. Pledge of allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance

3. Welcoming of guests

No Guests were present.

4. Public Comment

No public comment.

5. Correspondence.

No Correspondence.

6. Approval of minutes fr...