Unoffical Big Sandy Public School District 2 Regular Board Meeting December 18th 2023

Trustees present: Brad Weaver, Vice Chairperson

Jessica Sheehy, Matt Myers.

Trustees Absent: Kelly Rutledge, Chairperson. Staff Present: Superintendent, Dan Schrock

Principa,l Heather Wolery District Clerk, Mary Merrill.

Visitors Present: None

1. Call to order

Meeting called to order at 7:02pm by Vice Chairperson Brad Weaver, filling in for Chairperson Kelly Rutledge.

2. Pledge of allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance

3. Welcoming of guests

No Guests were present.

4. Public Comment

No public comment.

5. Correspondence.

No Correspondence.

6. Approval of minutes from previous meeting

Jessica Sheehy moved to approve the minutes of the November 21, 2023 regular meeting with correction, Brad Weaver seconded, discussion, motion approved unanimously.

7. Reports and Updates:

a. National Honor Society report read by District Clerk

b. Student council update by student present.

c. Technology Report- None

d. Clerks Report

i. Update given on training attended by the clerk over several months. Report on expenditures by district through December 2023 and funding that will be available via cash requests.

ii. Approval of Claims K-12 #49723-49735, 49759-49790

Anna Bold motioned to approve, Matt Myers seconded, claims approved unanimously.

e. AD report-

Report submitted by Melanie in board packet. Superintendent Schrock gave an update from Melanie on the need for replacement football helmets beginning with this next football season.

f. Principals Report

Principal Heather Wolery read her report giving an update on student activities that have taken place, the positive change in the bus driving situation and an update on semester tests and college prep testing that will start after the winter break.

g. Superintendent report- Superintendent Dan Schrock spoke to the report he submitted to the board and also gave an update on his efforts in reaching out to local growers to expand beyond beef that can be brought in from local producers.

8. Informational update on Heating system repairs- FICO representatives were present and gave an overview of needed repairs to update the heating system. The company will do a thorough analysis and walk through of the building and give a more complete report at the February board meeting.

9. Old business

a. Legal wording for public use of gym and annex, Second reading.

Motion to approve made by Matt Myers, seconded by Jessica Sheehy. Discussion. Motion passed unanimously.

b. Agreement between county and district for district held funds

Anna Moved to approve with changes, seconded by Matt, motion passed unanimously.

10.New Business

a. Shannon Green Scholarship name change

Anna Bold made a motion to approve the name change on the scholarship account from “Shannon Green Memorial Scholarship” to “Green Family Scholarship”, Jessica Sheehy seconded, motion passed unanimously.

b. Substitute approval for remainder of 2023/2024 school year

Cheryl Ostrom- Matt Myers made a motion to approve Cheryl Ostrom, pending background check, Brad Weaver seconded, motion passed unanimously.

c. MTSBA policy update- first reading, required changes to policy. Will add to next meeting.

11. Next board meeting to be held on January 16th, 2023

12. Meeting adjourned

Motion to adjourn at 8:23 pm made by Brad Weaver, seconded by Jessica Sheehy, unanimous.