Big Sandy Alive with the Sound of Music

Amanda Rohlman heads up the music program in both the Big Sandy Schools.

She has a big job as she has 27 in choir and 28 in band and as she says, all are really proud to be there and very excited about what they are able to accomplish.

By the time you are reading these words, the All Star Band will have taken place in Missoula. It was held from November 11 to 13. Students are nominated to go from directors and play in 2 bands from five different states in the northwest. Dakota Terry and Grace Finke represented Big Sandy in the All Star Band.

On Veterans Day, November 10 the band and choir had a live performance for the veterans. The program was held at the elementary school. K through 6 sang "American Heart" and the older band and choir sang. "Of thee I sing, America".

The next event will be the Honor Band and Choir on November 28 and 29. That is held in Shelby and to get to that event, students audition and are chosen from their auditions to perform. Those band students going to Honor Band from Big Sandy include Dakota Terry on clarinet, Grace Finke on Alto Clarinet, Bailey Gasvoda on alto sax and Audrey Sipler on flute.

In Shelby the band will have a guest conductor who will work with the band students and there will be a concert to conclude the event.

The Elementary Band and Choir Concert is December 6, at 7pm at the high school auditorium.

The high school Christmas Concert is December 13, at 7pm at the high school auditorium.

If you have not yet had your fix on Christmas concerts, go to either or both of these concerts. They are always great!

Matter of fact; don't miss any music event in Big Sandy. They are really something!