From The Mayor's Desk

Mayor Stiles described actions taken at the April 6 regular City Council meeting.

After the pledge was recited and the March minutes were approved it was determined that there were no public comments although there were some five visitors at the meeting.

The biggest news in the meeting was that Fred Watstein resigned from the Council due to leaving the area and Darrin Ray was appointed in his place.

In the Sheriff’s Report it was reported that there is a violent offender living in Big Sandy.

Regarding KLJ Engineering, the pipe line project was talked about. Mayor Stiles reported that all is at a standstill until Rural Development deals with their section 106 which pertains to an antiquities section. That section is still up in the air and not much will happen until that gets cleared up.

Lorrie Merrill, head of Big Sandy Activities, was at the meeting talking about the water issues under one of the Big Sandy Activities buildings. For the City Council, that issue is a work in progress right now according to Mayor Stiles.

The Council verified that some shared streets with the Department of Transportation are still being shared so Big Sandy will continue to get funding from DOT for those streets.

The County Disaster Planner was at the meeting talking about Hazard and Disaster mitigation. Each entity of the County has to go over this plan. Basically the plan is a blue print of what to do if and when a disaster strikes somewhere in Chouteau County. The plan was in the form of a resolution and the Council approved it.

Josh Danreuther was at the City Council meeting to get approval for a skate park fundraiser on July 1, 2017. Professional skaters will be showing their skating ability at the skate park on that day.

The Council was asked to support an USDA funding letter. Big Sandy signed on in agreement with the letter as the town benefits greatly with Rural Development funding which comes from the USDA.

The Council talked about the condition of ditches and roads in Big Sandy and concluded there is no plan or guarantees that can be done at this time with water issues on some roads and ditches.

Fireworks will be once again in Big Sandy on the Fourth of July night. People wanting to contribute to the fireworks fund should give money to any Council member or the Town Clerk.

Work has commenced on getting the center pivot operational at the sewage lagoon.

There is work on the swimming pool being done at this time. The City is going to do some plumbing with the hope that it will help the pool somewhat. Mayor Stiles said that only time will tell if the work on the pool has been productive.

The water shutoff list was about the same as it has been.

Claims were approved and well as journal vouchers.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next regular meeting will be on May 11, 2017