A birds morning song is the early, early Alarm Clock

By Zoe Merrill

I'm always woken up by the bird's morning songs who live in our shelter belt. They wake me up at 4:14 every morning. It's still dark out!

It always starts with one song, probably the same early riser, but she is joined quickly as they sing out to each other. Some mornings I cuss at them, because I hear nothing but noise as they all sing with their own voices. Clearly not in harmony.

I try to roll over and shut it out, sometimes successfully, but it can't be a deep sleep, because it just continues. And then.... there are the mornings when it sounds like a symphony! I wake to incredible music waiting for the golden hues of the morning sun to slowly take over the darkness.

Today I found out why it sounded so loud-mommy robin is sitting on her nest, right outside my window. When I go close, she just looks at me, sitting completely still she doesn't fly away. There is just something about a Robin. It brings joy as we watch them. God uses her song if we listen.

I couldn't help but remember some of the words of When the Red Red Robin Comes Bob-Bob-Bobbin' Along by Bing Crosby. "When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin' along, along. There'll be no more sobbin' when he starts throbbin' his old sweet song. Wake up, wake up you sleepy head. Get up, get out of your bed. Cheer up, cheer up the sun is red. Live, love, laugh and be happy. What if I were blue, Now I'm walking through,

Walking through the fields of flowers. Rain may glisten but still I listen for hours and hours. I'm just a kid again doing what I did again, singing a song. When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin' along.

Take time to hear the birds, to watch them fly, to celebrate their incredible gift to us. Besides they eat mosquitoes