Big Sandy T-Ball; a Diamond in the rough

There were enough cars in the parking lot one would have thought it was a big game, and it was for the little ones playing. Moms and dads, grandparents, and even great grandparents were there sitting on the bench watching and yelling, "Run, run, run!" "Good hustle." "Run to third." "Good job pumkin!"

The kids have on matching T-shirts and love being in the dugout ready to hit the ball and the parents are sitting in the stands waiting for their child to come to bat.

The reason they bring their little ones to the game is because they love baseball. They love all aspects of the game, and then as a second thought "the kids really enjoy it." And In deed they do. "We've been practicing." "I can hit so far". "I'm a good hitter." Parents saying, "It really is fun to watch."

Every kid gets to bat every inning. If they are old enough they get pitched to, but they never strike out, because if they swing too many times, the ball is placed on rubber tubing stand, that looks nothing like a T, so they can still hit it and run. Now they might need to be reminded to run, and they might get thrown out at first, if the first baseman can catch the ball. Some still struggle knowing where to stand while batting, some still don't know how to hold the bat, and some little ones, might even sit down while playing outfielder. That's why it takes four coaches, Ronnie Simpson, Erik Sietsema, Colby Baumgar, and Chase Hoffman.

But, it still somewhat resembles baseball. The grounds look great, a lot of work was put into the fields and you can eat a hot dog while sitting in stands just like the big games. You get to sit in the sun and enjoy the game. The kids get good exercise and once in a while you can cheer on a great hit, a great throw, and give great encouragement to a child. "You brought him home with that hit. Good job."

It's a great game to relax and enjoy life. It's the perfect time to just unwind. It's the perfect time to stop the mad race, laugh, and appreciate the little things like four year olds trying to swing a bat!

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