Young artist Jack Gollehan wins major art award

Jack Gollehan, son of Rob and Mindy Gollehan currently residing in Helena, but who lived in Big Sandy a year ago, is well on his way to a career as an artist. Although he is just a six-grader next fall he has already won two major art awards. First, he won second in the postcard contest for United Way state wide. The theme was Change the World The United Way and he drew pictures of some recycling efforts, a van with Meal on Wheels on the side, and a building that says' "educate everyone". His art will be on the postcard used by United Way. Lt. Governor Mike Cooney presented him with his award.

He also won two different ribbons on two of the three pictures he displayed at a current art show. He received a blue ribbon which was best of show on the picture of two fish swimming. The elephant he drew received a purple ribbon for best achievement.

Smiling he answers he doesn't remember where his interest starting in drawing. "I've just always like art." When I asked him if he wanted to continue in art he said he'd already signed up for it again at school. "That was my first art show." He plans on entering more art shows.

"My favorite picture is the Elephant." His mother likes elephants, but he drew that elephant because he was having a difficult time trying to decide what to draw and his teacher handed him the elephant.

He likes to draw with pencil best and thinks his art teacher, Mrs. Hultin of Helena is the best. She is a private art teacher.

Jack's grandparents Dale and Mickie Morey still live in Big Sandy and smile proudly when they talk about his talent. He has inspired his mother to start drawing again. So, for those of you who used to love art, who used to love to draw, may Jack inspire you.