Sibra and Downs Reading Event a Must Go

Please come and discover a new creative world right here in Big Sandy October 5th 7:00 PM at Craig Edwards Gallery again this year. They both love returning every year to Big Sandy and going to the Medical Guild Rummage sale. For Steve, it’s of course returning home and Christian Down loves getting to know people in our committee. Both will bring their wives this year and are looking forward to another night of sharing their writing.

Last year I attended their reading at Craig Edwards Gallery and was inspired. Sibra shared about using a writing discipline of using only 100 words. I went home that night and wrote Evolution of Ignorance…… “Inspiration came at the end of an exhausting day. I was not looking forward to driving home, on almost impassable, muddy, country road in the dark. I was listening to poetry which isn’t particularly my style, but excited there is something unique and creative in my small town. While sitting there, hoping I will find the experience stimulating, I realize the event title, Evolution of Ignorance, actually fits me to a tee. The idiosyncratic words helped me to realize I can write too. Any direction is acceptable as long as it is real. So, welcome to my own rural evolution.”

That evening helped refuel my desire to write. If you’ve never been to a reading come and soak in the opportunity to grow.