Senior Center News

The Senior Center will now be OPEN every Friday Starting in February.

Thursday, February 7 -Scalloped Ham & Potatoes, beets, and Tapioca Pudding.

Friday, February 8- Pork roast, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, and Danish donuts.

Monday February 11- Pancakes, Eggs, sausage patty, and fruit.

Tuesday, February 12 - Tortilla bake, Zucchini, veggie tray, and Oreo pudding.Wednesday, February 13 - Beef and Rice soup, Green Salad, and Gingerbread cake.

Recipe of the Week:

Chocolate Macaroon Cake



1 egg white

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1/2 cup white sugar

2 cups shredded coconut
