Big Sandy Medical Center to continue Excellent Service

The Big Sandy Medical Center held its monthly board meeting. All regular meetings are open to the public only there was only one guest at this meeting which was me.

The financial report was not handed out as they were waiting for paperwork to be sent to them so they can close out the month. Board members reviewed the bills for the month and approved payment. They did ask questions when they didn't recognize what the bills were for. For example, some staff were sent for a variety of training.

Leah Griffith said she has applied for a $147,000 Helmsley Grant for a portable ex-ray machine. The old system is over 20 years old. It's a great opportunity to apply because it is a large grant and they have a good chance of receiving it.

They will be using Tordick funds for a new telephone system. Triangle Telephone has been in the building looking at what needs to be done.

Automatic doors will be also installed this spring/summer. It was noted during an inspection by the Medical Center's workers compensation company there was some safety issues at night and during the weekend when there was less staff on duty. Therefore, they are now required to lock the doors at 7:00 each night and all day on Saturday and Sunday. If anyone wants/needs to get into the building during those times there is a buzzer installed and you can ring to get in. You may need to wait a short time, but they will come.

Openings at the Medical center include medical provider, dietary, clinic nurse or Medical Assistant HIRING ANY Clinic nurse or medical assistant. They have 14 of 22 beds full and because of the low census they will not be hiring with the exception of a medical provider. They are actively recruiting in fact they did interview on Feb 20th.

Locum coverage will be provided for by Edna Streit, Amber Groves, Rick McCoy, and Lisa Turk. Locum is a person who stands in temporarily for someone else of the same profession, especially a cleric or a doctor.

On safety concerns the flu is here and it is getting worse. Vaccinate, wash your hands, if you are sick stay home. Also, it is noted that there is no measles currently in Montana. Leah reported only vaccination will stop the spread of this disease.

Leah informed the board she has a phone call set up with Todd Boucher, Certification Bureau Chief of Montana DPHHS on Feb 26 to help with the conversion of the medical center to a Critical Access Hospital. Bob Nelson commented, "We are hoping this will be what we need to do to help with last year's negatives (dollar amounts)."

Discussion followed about the information that was brought to them through the 2019 Great Falls Conference. A new school of medicine, ICOM will be the first medical school in Idaho in Meridian last summer. All Montana students are guaranteed an interview. In their first year there was 4,000 applications, 600 interviews, and 162 students currently working on rural DO providers. I had to look up the difference between a MD and a DO myself. The simple answer is that both an MD (Doctor of Medicine) and a DO (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) are doctors licensed to practice in the United States. They are similarly educated and certified, but there are differences in their training and philosophy of patient care.

At the conference, they were also informed that places like Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens will have clinics. Technology will continue to develop with phone's having the ability to complete an EKG. There will be technology apps that will allow for scheduling doctor appointments.

It was noted they still have not heard from the VA about their request to become a VA preference provider. They have completed the paperwork and have been waiting for a response for about two years now. Vets in the area are encouraged to call Senator Tester, Senator Daines, and Representative Gianforte to request they look into why it is taking them so long to respond.

The next board meeting will be March 19th at 7:00.