Nona Danreuther won the grand prize of $3,000 at Saturday's Rotary Banquet. Second Grand Prize of four tires or $1,000 in store credit at Tilleman's was won by Lyle McKeever. A glider chair was won by Maryetta Engle.
Other winners were: Melanie and Shaud Schwarzbzch with the Fairmont Weekend Getaway; Wes and Rita Berlinger won a Big Yeti Cooler and ½ Pork; Charlie Overbay won a Bradley Smoker; Golden Harvest Seeds won a Roomba Floor Cleaner; Doug and Nora Grubb won a Porch Swing, Bob Denning won a Chromebook; Ted Pursley won an Automatic Electric Pressure Cooker; Twila Grant won a Rocke...