Green Acres

May Gardening Notes

As we begin spring management of our horticultural landscapes, here are a few reminders for the month of May.

• Graft fruit trees from mid -April to early May.

• Abort crab apple fruit with ethephon or naphthaleneacetic acid.

• Prune lylacs right after bloom.

• Stems cut off clean are a sign of rabbit damage. Stems cut off ragged are a sign of deer damage.

• Electric fence smeared with peanut butter and molasses can deter deer.

• Keep raspberry walkway clear of suckers.

• Destroy tent caterpillars.

• Plant peas and lettuce when soil temperature (at a two inch depth) is above 40 degrees.

• Plant spinach and carrots when soil temperature (at a two inch depth) is above 45 degrees.

• Plant beets, parsley, swiss chard and parsnips when soil temperature at a two inch depth is above 50 degrees.

• Harden off seedlings for setting to the garden. Allow one to two weeks for the hardening process.

• Start cucurbit seedlings indoors in peat pots. The cucurbit family includes melons, squash, pumpkins and cucumbers.

• Seed new lawns in early May. Fall is the best time to seed lawns because the grass gets ahead of the weeds.

• Side dress Peonies with a couple handfuls of equally balanced fertilizer like a 15-15-15.

• Deadhead tulips, narcissus, and other spring-flowering bulbs.

Information for this article came from the MSU Extension Montana Gardener’s Book of Days, which was written by Bob Gough (Former MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist). Additional horticultural information is available at the Chouteau County Extension Office located in the green building next to the courthouse.

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