North Central Montana Stockgrowers meet November 16

North Central Montana Stockgrowers Association is an organization that represents the growing needs of the North Central Montana area producers through education, legislation, and informing area producers. NCMSGA has been active for nearly 100 years and will celebrate the 100th year in 2020.

November 16, 2019, will be an opportunity for area producers to come together for an informative afternoon at the Hensler Auditorium on MSU Northern's campus. We have lined up some great topics that are or will affect area communities in Hill, Blaine, and Chouteau Counties. The presentations start at 1 PM and go until 4 PM. We have invited the "Save the Cowboy, Stop the APR" group to come and talk about the negative bison easements; Darci Reum with Wipfli CPA and Consultants to discuss tax issues; along with Darci will be Jennifer Forsyth discussing tax law. Tahnee Szymanski from the Montana Department of Livestock will give a presentation on the feral hogs moving into Montana from Canada. Marni Thompson from NRCS will be on hand to give a presentation on using "Cover Crops" to improve Winter grazing and soil health. From 4 to 5 PM, we will have our Annual Business Meeting.

That evening, our future area producers, the MSU Northern Collegiate Stockgrowers, extend an invitation to all to come to their 6th Annual Meet-N-Greet in the MSU Northern SUB Ballroom. There will be a "No-Host" Social Hour starting at 5 PM with a Prime Rib and Shrimp Dinner to follow at 6 PM for $30/plate. There will be live and silent auctions, keynote speaker – Lane Nordlund with the Montana Ag Network will address the crowd, and the River North band will play music for all to enjoy.

NCMSGA will be collecting their Annual Dues of $25 from members or anyone who wants to become a member. One lucky "Dues Paid" member, who is in attendance, for the drawing will win $1600 in the form of "Moola Bucks"! "Moola Bucks" is a voucher to be used at our area bull sales. These "Moola Bucks" are donated by local seed stock producers in the area.

We will be honoring the Cronk Ranch for being a long-time supporter of NCMSGA. Also, this year, a Legacy Award will be presented to the Scott Young family in recognition of Scott's continuous support personally and also through Norman's Ranchwear.

With all the issues that we as producers face daily, I encourage one and all to come...become a member, renew memberships, get some useful information and stay for the evening full of festivities to support the next generation of producers. See your neighbor that you haven't seen in awhile, enjoy a delicious meal, and enjoy the entertainment.

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