Getting By

With fewer visits to the grocery store during this time, you may be having issues keeping fresh foods from spoiling. Here are some tips for keeping fresh foods longer, preventing them going to waste.

*Stock up on meat and freeze by double wrapping before putting in the freezer. Use butcher paper or freezer paper for the outside layer.

*Wash strawberries in really hot water, dry well and store in fridge.

*For potatoes, place an apple in the bag to keep them from budding.

*Keep cucumbers in a cool place, but not in the fridge.

*Apples can be stored in the fridge or a cool, dark place.

*Breads will stay fresher and longer by individually double wrapping muffins, breads and bagels and then storing in the freezer. Do not store in the fridge because it will go stale faster.

*The following foods have a long shelf life which you might consider having in your kitchen. Potatoes, eggs, cauliflower, whole carrots, cabbage, citrus fruits, cheeses, onions, apples and bananas.

The above information was taken from the University of Utah Extension.

If you have questions or ideas you think our office can help with, please contact Janell at the Chouteau County Extension Office at 622-3036 or

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Montana State University, US Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.