Sheri Otto Moore home town girl still teaching

Big Sandy's own Sheri Otto Moore brings a wide range of talents, interests, and genuine care for her students to her work educating third graders at FE Miley Elementary School. Sheri is on her 8th year of teaching in Big Sandy, a school she attended growing up in our town. She also taught 4th grade here in the 2000-2001 school year before moving to Big Timber to teach for a few years. Ultimately, Sheri taught in several schools around the state before opting to come home because she and her husband wanted to live closer to family and raise their son here. Her husband, Brad Moore, was the superintendent for a short period before retiring briefly. He is now semi-retired.

She attended the University of Montana in Missoula to study Wildlife Biology before discovering that she didn't care for it. She then moved on to study Zoology, before realizing that she would have a hard time finding a job in Montana. Since remaining in Montana was a priority, she reevaluated her studies again. Based on her interests and what she thought she'd be good at, teaching was the right direction for her life. Sheri's interest in and history of studying the sciences have greatly influenced her teaching. She loves working to kindle an interest in science and math in her students.

Mrs. Moore's enthusiasm for the local school is easy to spot when she talks about her fellow teachers: "I feel like we have a very cohesive group. We're all in this together. We support each other and help each other. It's a bunch of rock stars here at the elementary."

Sheri met her husband during her time in Ekalaka, Montana. It was her first teaching position, though she'd spent a semester subbing previously. Brad was also teaching and the pair were the only two single teachers in a very small community. The pair were married and had a son, who they named Hunter based on their mutual love for hunting.

When asked about her return to Big Sandy, Sheri explained that she loves it here. Though she points out that the town has changed over the years. The biggest changes relate to the arrival of lots of new families and a smaller population overall. She doesn't know as many of the people as she did before. In particular she and her husband feel like it's a great place to raise their son, with family nearby and plenty of outdoor activities.

For fun, she and her husband hunt, fish, and camp. She also knits and does crafts. Recently, Sheri turned her love of coffee into a side business, selling coffee and tea through Java Momma. She helps friends host parties where they can sample various coffees and teas that are for sale through Java Mama.

In addition to her other hobbies and interests, Sheri has an endorsement in Library, so she can (and has) worked as a school librarian. She is an avid reader, with a preference for young adult's literature. She really took an interest in the genre as a school librarian because she wanted to know about the books the students were reading. "Because of Winn Dixie" is her favorite book, and she reads it to her students every year. She loaned me a copy when I commented that I hadn't read it. Sheri is also a huge Disney fan. She has visited both Disneyland and Disney World twice each! Though, she was disappointed to miss this year's trip to Disneyland due to the Covid lockdowns.

Sheri's diverse interests and love for her students show through in her teaching, making her a favorite amongst many of her students.