River Ramblings North

The Virgelle valley has always been a beautiful place to visit. If you are like me, the sound of the moving water calms your heart and soul. The trees’ tranquility singing with the breeze and animals and birds sounds all around me makes me smile and say a prayer of thankfulness. The sunrises and sunsets are amazing also. God is the best artist I know. I try to capture his creations with a camera and on canvas. They do not compare.

With hunting season, most of my traffic across the river has been hunters. I have taken many boats across the river to launch because of the low water conditions; they can not put in at Coal Banks Landing. There have been many birds and deer hunters across also. A few have come back with great success.

The other evening about an hour before sunset, I hear three shots go off. They were close to the house, so I went out to see who was shooting and where. The hunters were upriver from the ferry, a few hundred yards, hiking back up the hill. I didn’t think any more about it, other than I hope they have permission to be there, which they did. About 15 minutes later, a four-wheeler comes down to the river to cross. As usual, I strike up a conversation with the gentlemen. I asked them, “Are you looking for the deer they were shooting at?” They said, “Yes.” As we are crossing this four by five mule deer comes swimming across. The one guy states, “ Look, there’s your deer!” I look over, and sure enough, a deer was swimming toward the south bank where we arrived. The guy who wounded the deer finished killing it on the shore as it comes out of the river. I was amazed it could swim! He had his hind leg blown entirely off. In this case, it was great the ferry was there to complete the hunt, and one less deer was left for the coyotes and eagles. These hunters were great guys to visit with, we shared a drink, and they gave me the deer heart to enjoy. The heart was always the breakfast meal, at my home growing up, after the hunt.

This year during hunting season, the roads coming to the ferry are crowded. Vehicles are parked along the side or almost in the center of the road; be careful. The other night I was coming into town, and there were six pick-ups along the road because of the block management hunting that has opened up in the area.

Today has proven to be some bountiful ferry crossings. I had an out of state hunter go over, and I asked him where he was from, and he said Wenatchee, Washington. We visited for a while because my mom’s brothers lived in Wenatchee. They had apple, pear, and plum orchards there. As he started to drive away, he stopped and said, “Wait.” He reaches into the back and brings forward this bag of Wenatchee apples to give me. Wow! what memories they triggered.

If we got to go on a vacation, it usually was to my uncle’s orchards because it was a working trip. We would all pick fruit for a few days, and then we would head to the coast with the uncles and go deep-sea fishing in the ocean. One of my mom’s brothers had a charter business. He would take us out. Being a land raised girl out in that vast ocean was more than I liked. I had never been so sick from the motion of the waves in my life. I caught my fish and felt like I died in the bow of the boat.

I just got across the river on the terminal side, and another car came across the way. When I arrived back on the other side, the Doctors from Kalispell was over there. They just arrived to goose hunt for the week. These four gentlemen have been coming to this area for years to hunt. They gave me the name “River Queen” it makes me smile each year when they arrive. We catch up on everybody’s health and life, then off they go. One of the four men reaches into the suburban and brings out a bag of kettle corn from Kalispell, MT, and gives it to me; what generous hunters were crossing the river today! They will be back in the morning to set up their goose blind on top.

The river is always a place to meet new and old friends. Every day there is enjoyment here for me. I am thankful to be in this community with friends and family. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Find ways to enjoy the things around you and be grateful for all your blessings each day!