Letter to the Editor

Greeting and here’s to a healthier new year.

Masks, who likes them? No One! But here’s the thing, businesses are required to have signs on their doors asking people to wear their mask. I agree the signs should not say “It’s the Law” I think a better word should say “Out of Respect.” Respect not only for the businesses and their workers, but for your friends, family and community. When going to your home we take off our shoes and put out our cigarettes, out of respect.How soon we forget what our businesses and our Chamber have done for our community each year. We have new sidewalks, a beautiful playground our children love to play in and let’s not forget the spectacular Christmas parade with the great party afterwards giving away wonderful gifts and prizes. Our businesses donate to the Rotary Banquet and to the many fundraisers around town including our wonderful library. So please show some respect and thank the businesses that are open the next time you need a part, medication, toilet paper, lunch, mail, check cashed, tire changed, hair fixed, insurance, drink, book, local paper and especially to our teachers who are keeping our children in school learning. Also a big thanks to our Medical Staff here in Big Sandy for their tireless work.

Stay Local: Vicki Kulbeck