Booster Gives Support to Winter Sports

The Big Sandy Pioneer Booster club met at the concession stand on January 5 for the new year’s first meeting. It was held there because there was plenty of room to space yourself if you were concerned about social distancing.

The new Pioneer clothing has sold well this fall. There are still some available at Hair I Am.

After some discussion, it was voted to give all winter sports participants athletic gear for their sport. Basket Ball has 31 players; Wrestling has four wrestlers, Cheerleaders have 6. Each athlete will receive $20 to purchase some gear that will stay with the athlete. The Wrestling Program will receive $75 per wrestler that stays with the program. The Cheerleaders will receive two mats allowing for cheer routines that the state requires them to have the mats before certain routines can be completed.

The Big Sandy Booster club needs to think of future projects. The following was discussed, mats behind the baskets, locker room repairs, the railroad ties around the football field need to be replaced, and a chain-link fence around the football field. If you are interested in Big Sandy students and have an idea of a project that needs support, come to the next Booster Club Meeting, which is held on the first Tuesday of each month. Notices of the meeting are on FaceBook, so like that page, and you will be notified.

Getting parents involved with the Booster club is still a concern. They understand that it isn’t necessarily a good time to recruit members because of COVID-19. However, it is hoped that parents will want to become involved in the Booster club to support all extra school-related activities. Without these activities, the student would suffer. In the future, there will be a recruiting effort to encourage parent involvement.