Tilleman Equipment introduces a new disc cultivator

Tilemean equipment would like to introduce a new Disc stubble cultivators SWIFTERDISC which are short concept cultivators designed for high-quality and fast stubble cultivation with a working depth of up to 5.5“, which the BEDNAR brand produces in several model lines with a working width from 9‘ to 60‘.

Disc stubble cultivators are highly versatile thanks to the option of being equipped with a Crushbar front levelling bar or a Trash Cutter roller. Thanks to this, the stubble cultivator can be used for pre-sowing soil preparation or high-quality processing, especially of tough post-harvest residues, such as corn stalks, oilseed rape or sunflower. These machines can be equipped with two variants of discs – notched or agressive with a disc diameter of 20.5“ or 22“ and a wide variant of rear packers. The advantage of all disc cultivators in the SWIFTERDISC series is the maintenance-free disc bearings or the mounting of two discs on one arm, the so-called TWIN-DISC system, which guarantees excellent throughput even when stubbing large amounts of post-harvest residues.

Tileman Equipment is excited to offer this line of short discs which provides a number of advantages over that of the competititon. Two discs on the same arm with a large mounting serivce ensures that the disc does not move laterally and the forces in heavy soil extered on discs is impacted in the rubber and not the hub bearing. Further, the distance between the two working rows of discs and the discs and packer is extended allowing soil to fall before it reaches the packer – thus not creating the hopping or washboard effect of other short discs. A suitable packer option for your disc can be selected to match your soil type.