Big Sandy School Board Meeting October 19th

At the last school board meeting, they visited about repairing the new gym floor. The floor is peeling in numerous places. The oil-based polyurethane was put on this summer. The company will be coming in to patch it with a water-based urethane and fix it permanently this spring.

It was also noted that the Big Sandy School website had posted a document about common questions concerning returning to school and COVID -19. On the website, look under Menu/Documents/ School Board Documents/COVID-19. Glen Terry, School Board President, said, “Our main goal is to keep all the kids safe.” Superintendent Kelly Haagland shared two documents about school board authority and the legal “Authority for School District Mask Mandate.” One was the Governor’s Directive implementing Executive Order 2-2021, given on February 12, 2021. Currently, there is NO mask mandate at Big Sandy Schools, and no one wants to return to wearing masks. However, they needed to understand their legal mandates.

They discussed Policy 1910 for both certified and classified employees, allowing them up to 40 hours more of sick leave when required to stay home because of COVID. They approved to make it retroactive to the start of the school year.

Rich Jesperson was present and asked the Big Sandy School to co-sponsor one of the grant requests for the new pool.

Hired a new bus driver pending endorsement verification

Hired two substitute teachers Carol Ramberg and Katie Nicholson

Coaches hired for the 2021-22 year are: The Boys BasketBall Assistant is Desmond Parker. He is the 2nd-grade teacher; Wrestling Head Coach is Tucker Taylor, Big Sandy High School History teacher. The Big Sandy Pioneers and the Fort Benton Longhorns have dissolved their wrestling team co-op. Madison Ferguson Big Sandy’s Assistant Volley Ball coach resigned. Since Brittany McKenney is currently coaching both teams, the board voted to give what is left of Madison’s contract to. They also voted to add Athletic Director Report to all future agendas.

There will be a Halloween Party for junior high and high school will take October 26, school board members will cook hamburgers on October 26.

Turning the discussion about recognizing a new Big Sandy School Pep Club, which has 16 students, it was acknowledged that legally they could not recognize them officially because of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Contracts are signed at the beginning of the year concerning extracurricular activities for teachers.

They formed a working committee to review and bring a recommendation back to the entire board concerning local Big Sandy High School Job descriptions. The document is 75 pages long, making it impossible to review at a school board meeting.

Principal Heather reported the Junior Class would like to sponsor a Snow Ball. It was approved.