A New Library Book Club

The Big Sandy Library will be launching a new book club this Friday, the 28th, at 2 PM. The “Loosely Bound Book Club” will live up to its name by providing the town’s readers with a place to discuss the books they are reading, rather than filling a schedule where everyone is reading the same book. The advantage of the loose approach is that it provides an opportunity for participants to share what they are thinking or enjoying in their own reading adventures. It also gives participants the chance to be exposed to new authors and titles, hearing what the others in the group have to say about them.

Darlene Cline, the librarian, explained that the group is in response to multiple requests from library patrons for a book club during the day, without a set schedule of titles. Since beginning the organization of the meetup, Darlene has had more people express interest and excitement over the idea. The Library Facebook page has more details.

I will admit that I was one of the people asking about a daytime book club to discuss whatever everyone happened to be reading at the moment. Over the last several years, I have found myself spending a great deal of time talking about books with my neighbors. Once I figure out that an individual is an avid reader, I find myself asking about what they are reading or which books they recommend. The different perspectives on what to read have expanded my own reading greatly, and I have discovered a few great titles through my neighbors’ recommendations.

One particular advantage in the book club idea is the opportunity to socialize. The trends in our day are pushing people further apart socially, with poor substitutions (like Facebook) filling in for major relationships and conversations with neighbors. The trend has only worsened with the advent of lockdowns and increased political strife. Opportunities to gather and talk based on shared interests or hobbies are a vital treatment for this societal ill. In particular, organizing these meets around reading emphasizes a pastime that is not digital or work related. Reading is a part of our lives for personal enrichment and entertainment in a way that almost nothing else in our culture is.

Coffee and snacks will be served to attendees.

There is currently a book club that meets at 7 PM on Tuesdays at the library that follows a schedule of books. For a schedule of the books being read or for more information, contact the library.