The School board offers next year's contracts

The meeting started with public comments by Kristie Rutledge, who is concerned about the morale at the school. She believes it affects not just the kids but teachers and community members.

Travis Baumann said the new WiFi would be here in the middle of June.

They discussed next year’s school calendar; it will start on August 22 and end on May 31.

The new superintendent search currently has three applicants. They have decided to ask the MT School Board Association to help find new qualified candidates.

Darin Genereux discussed the policy of conflict of interest. If you are concerned about this policy, feel free to visit with him.

An obsolete table and ice machine (which makes ice but doesn’t keep the ice cold) is available for who comes and gets it first.

Cooper Jenkins volunteers to be an assistant Senior Class Advisor if it becomes necessary.

A new reading curriculum was discussed. It was tabled for one month.

The following teachers were offered contracts TJ Bond—Music, Shelbi Darlington—5th grade, Katie Hanson—1st grade, Demrece Keller—4th Grade, Sheri Moore—3rd Grade, Traci Rodewald—Computers/Testing Administrator, Shersteen Cline—business/Science, Tucker Taylor—History, Layne Taylor—Ag Ed, Kira Witmer—Jr. High/High School Special Education, Melanie Schwarzbach—Science/Ad, Samantha Weaver, Calista Worrall—6th grade, Amy Terry—elementary Special Education, and Desmond Parker—2nd grade, a non-tenure contract.

Not returning to Big Sandy school next year Frank Lenning--Math—not renewed; Monika Winderl—Art, not renewed, but she resigned as not to have a non-renewal on her resume, and Melissa Han—P.E., and JR High Math who got another job in Havre.

Melanie Schwarzbach, Athletic Director, told the board she had received $2,800 in grants and donations for the shot clocks in the gym. Head athletic coaches will be discussed in May with so much on the agenda.

Heather Wolrey, the Principal, mentioned we still have a shortage of substitute teachers. FFA did a good job recently, state testing is happening in the school, and April is Autism Month.

Kelly Haaland, Superintendant, reported the following: “The Procedures for Certified Staff with a CDL. There has been some false information spreading about not getting paid to drive the bus, and that’s why this procedure was created to show what qualifies as getting paid as a certified teacher with a CDL. 1. If operating a school bus that requires a CDL endorsement and driving students for an event on non-school days, drive time to and from the event when the teacher is NOT also completing teacher or extra or co-curricular duties as described by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) or individual contracts, the employee will be paid in a manner consistent with other non-teacher drivers. For example, at a track meet or basketball game on the weekend, the certified teacher with a CDL will get activity pay from the time they back the bus out of the bus barn till the time they park in the bus barn. 2. If operating a school bus that requires a CDL endorsement and driving students to an event during duty hours and to an event NOT related to a teacher’s extra or co-curricular duties/contracts, the teacher will be paid in a manner consistent with other non-teacher drivers for drive time hours driven outside of the duty day. For example, if the certified teacher with a CDL drives before or after teacher’s contract day. Example the certified teacher drives to the tournaments during the school week. The time outside of teaching time will be paid as a regular driver outside the duty day.

First of all the Montana code of Annotated 2-2-104 (3) (a) Except as provided in subsection (3)(b), a public officer, legislator, or public employee may not receive salaries from two separate public employment positions that overlap for the hours being compensated. 3. If operating a school bus that requires a CDL endorsement and transporting students to an event, while completing teaching or extra or co-curricular duties for which the driver is also serving as a teacher/coach/advisor and no other coach/advisor is present, they will not be compensated for drive time to and from the event. That clearly states that by law a certified driver can’t get paid twice to drive. For example, if you are receiving a teaching salary, including extended teacher contract, and/or stipend you cannot be paid to drive while going to your activity. Before utilizing a certified teacher as an activity bus driver during the duty day for events not related to their extra or Co-curricular events, district approved bus drivers must be asked and have declined the opportunity, therefore the certified teacher/driver would be considered a substitute driver. Our activity drivers are few and far between and we ask them first because the teacher’s primary job is to teach.

Anybody interested in getting their CDL to drive bus please contact the school.

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