City Council Approves Junk Ordinance, effective June 12

Concerning the new pool, Diana LaBuda asked the Council to look over the bullet points she sent out regarding the draft Interlocal Agreement with the school over the lease of the land where the pool will be built. She would like their replies by May 20. Mayor Schwarzbach had some questions about the length of the lease. Diana will go over some of the agreements with a member of the board and will send out any revisions to the Council.

Second Reading of Ordinance 2021-01 (Junk Ordinance): There were no further public comments. Rich Jespersen moved to pass the ordinance. Jon Sheehy seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. It goes into effect on June 12. Before citations go out, letters will be sent.

Leslie Gregory reported she has eight lifeguards hired. A family pass will be $125.00, and an individual pass will be $75.00. Returning lifeguards will be given a $.25 per hour raise.

The start date is now May 31 on the main street drainage. Materials should begin showing up soon. Also, Chuck Williams told the Council that our competitive grant submission for the SCADA cost scored well and should be funded. This should be awarded in June or July.

Connection to NCMRWA/possible action of SRF loan: Mayor Schwarzbach asked the Council to consider committing our share of the connection, roughly $1,000,000.00, with a State Revolving Fund loan. $500,000.00 of that loan will be forgiven once the town is connected. The town will avoid further cost indexing by taking out the loan now. Rich Jespersen moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the loan papers. Danielle Weaver seconded, and the motion passed.

Sara Strissel, BPD, confirmed that Jeff Myers agreed to have a new walk-through. BPD is still waiting on Brownfield funding for the Old Hotel. Rich Jespsersen reported that Mr. Myers offered to sign a quitclaim deed, which Rich prepared and sent to him. Rich will let the Council know when he hears back from Mr. Myers.

Mayor Schwarzbach spoke to someone at MDT regarding noise issue signage. This person informed the Mayor that MDT is in the process of removing existing signs as any such ordinance is unenforceable. He also said that the town is welcome to send a letter questioning that decision.