Senior Center Board working on New Bylaws

Most of the time at the last Senior Center meeting was spent looking at and discussing the new by-laws. The by-laws were tabled until the next meeting because Barb Ophus will bring an amendment forward. Barb would like to see the board include younger members of our community. Currently, in the new by-laws, the membership age is 50. The board felt senior citizens should have the responsibility of running the center. They would love to see younger members of our community involved by being a part of the committees appointed to help energize the center again. The board felt the complexities of younger board members were also problematic. At what age do you become a voting member of the Big Sandy Senior Center, and how many younger members should be allowed on the Board of Directors? Or does it matter? They also visited with several Senior Center members, and the ones they saw wanted the center’s board to have senior members.

New by-laws were necessary because some of the wording was confusing; there were two sets of by-laws, neither with a date, and board members wanted a new format that was easier to read.

A copy of the by-laws will be placed at the library and posted on the Big Sandy Senior Center window. Voting will take place on Wednesday, July 20th at 5:00, the next board meeting.

Also new is a yearly membership fee of ten dollars. Those present voted to have a fee. It will ensure proper voting privileges plus raise a little money. The discussion was about how much. Some wanted more; others were afraid some couldn’t afford it.

Brad Moore was also voted in as the last member of the board. Brad, Wendy, and Pat will serve on the Financial Committee. Which will be responsible for setting up the Financial Policy and Program and monthly review of finances. They will serve as a support for the new cook and file all necessary paperwork.

Board members interviewed for new cooks on Monday, June 27th. No results by press time.