Medical Guild Rummage Sale a Go!

It's great to have it back! Everyone has missed the Medical Guild rummage sale. Twenty-nine people came to the luncheon, and ten of those were new younger people. Lisa Sipler was extremely happy to see new younger people caring about the medical center. It is good when we get involved and give back to our community.

These new volunteers have already started working! They also have a new vice president--Laci Labuda. And Michele Robertson volunteered to be responsible for the PR and advertisement. You will notice the Medical Guild now has a Facebook page, and there will be information on the rummage sale over the radio stations. The Community Calendar from the TV stations will also be advertising the sale. Laci Labuda and Rachel Baumgarden are handling the raffle tickets. So if you would like to give to the raffle, contact them. The raffle items will be on display at the bank. You can buy your tickets at various places downtown, including the Grocery Store and the bank.

"This is important. It is important to me!" said Lisa Sipler. The rummage sale will take place Oct 6th and 7th. So start collecting the boxes of stuff you no longer want. Thursday I begins at eight and ends a 7, that's eleven hours!. Friday is box sell day and is open from 9-3. The raffle will be at 3:00.

The leftovers will go to the Haven in Havre.

The new CE, Ron Wiens, came to the luncheon. And he's so impressed with the members of the hospital staff and the members of our community.

They need donations for pie. So if you want to make a pie, call Lisa Sipler or Reggie Jappee. You can still buy a slice of pie and coffee for $3. Plan on meeting your friends, and come and eat your favorite piece of the pie. The Big Sandy Medical Center's residents and staff make pies as well.

All proceeds from the rummage sale will go to the kitchen remodeled, which hasn't been touched since 1986. The appliances are newer and in good shape, but they would like to build on for the new walk-in freezer already purchased, besides fixing the floor, walls, and cabinets.

The officers were elected at the luncheon: Lisa Sipler remains president, Lisa Generuex is the secretary, and Reggie Jappe is the treasure.

The last thing Lisa mentioned was again how pleased she was to have new younger members. That means it keeps coming to her-that is how important it is. Thank you to those who have stepped forward to help. You are wonderful!