Cooper Jenkins Benefit set for July 29

Cooper Jenkins was in a critical freak accident. He was working on his water well when a pocket of natural gas exploded. Cooper drove himself to the Big Sandy hospital, was taken to Benefis, and then was put on a jet and flown to Salt Lake Burn Center. He has burns on his face, ears, neck, and hands. According to recent news, he has started his acid treatment to remove dead skin. It's a very painful process.

Cooper's wife, Maddie, and her son, Haze, were in Melrose with her father. The rest of the family, Don and Misty Jenkins, his parents, have also traveled to be with him. Sister, Makenzie traveled with Cooper to Salt Lake City.

There are three ways you can support Cooper. A benefit fund has already been organized at First Bank, which will help with financial needs immediately. Lindsay Boyce, and others, I am sure, have organized the Cooper Jenkins Benefit on July 29th. It will have a live band; five in the field will be playing. Indian tacos will be served, and there will be auction items for bidding. If anyone has any items or services they would like to donate, please let Lindsay Boyce. You can drop off items at Ezzie's, the Mint, or Mary Ophus's house.

I also noticed a Go-Fund page on Facebook where they have already raised $5,000.

I also read on Facebook that MY Angus, although they will be at a funeral the day of the benefit, they want to support the fundraiser. They wrote, "Devyn and I will be unable to attend, but we decided to donate 50 straws of semen to two of our herd bulls, 307F and 1014. If you would like any information on the bulls before the auction or anything on the fundraiser, please let us know, and we will do our best to get your questions answered. Praying for ya, Cooper."

There should be a large selection of donations to bid on.