National FFA Week February 17-24

The Big Sandy FFA chapter has done many fun things so far this year. We have gone on many trips and have won many awards. We attended different competitions this year and will have many teams going to State Convention.

Last year at State Convention, we were very fortunate and had a Farm Business Management team place second overall. That team consisted of Lance Rutledge, Jaycee Worrall, Angie Sant, and Mattie Gasvoda who all got to compete this year at National Convention. Alex Worrall and Severin Heimbigner also got to go to Nationals for the experience.

Our chapter will have multiple teams going to State Convention this year that is being held in Billings. In order to qualify for state, your team has to place in the top half of the event that you are competing in at districts. We will have at least six different teams going to state to compete. State Convention is really fun because you learn lots of new things and get to meet new people. There are many different activities held for us like the dance, leadership workshops, community service activities, tours, hypnotist show, and many others. Every night there is a session that all of the state members attend. It resembles a big meeting, and the state officers give their retiring address speeches.

Throughout the year we have smaller competitions to help prepare and practice for our district and state events. Some of those events are Ruby Valley in Sheridan, John Deere Ag Days in Bozeman, Mechanics Contest in Lewistown, and a trip to Conrad. I think that these trips are very important for some of the younger members to be able to go and learn more about their events. The difference between these events and district is these do not determine if your team will make it to state competition.

In order to go to all of these events we have to do fundraisers. We do most of our fundraising in the winter around Christmas. We sell Christmas wreaths, Christmas trees, and gift baskets. Throughout the year we also help with many community service projects.

The Big Sandy FFA chapter has been very busy so far this year and, along with our advisor Mr. Layne Taylor, we hope for a good and successful finish to this year.

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