Senior Center News

The Senior Center reminds to call before 10:30 for take orders.

Menu for the week are:

Thursday, January 4 - Baked Potato Bar, with all the fixxings, and Bread.

Friday, January 5 - Creamed Chicken over a biscuit, beets, salad and dessert.

Monday, January 8 - Bisuit and sausage gravy and fruit.

Tuesday, January 9 - Birthday Dinner - Pork chops with stuffing and gravy, veggie, salad, dessert and bread.

Wednesday, January 10 - Pinapple chicken, mashed potatoes, veggies, salad, and bread.

This week I thought I’d put in a slow cooker recipe. It’s Slow Cooker Beef Stew.


• 3 cups water


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